Translation of the note:
"Love: Zhang Jin & Ada Choi"
Whenever I am asked about my love life, I always respond, "Dating someone will equal not dating. Not dating someone will also mean not dating! I will only announce on the day I get married!" This will allow me to have my personal space to understand one other and we will not be under any nonessential pressure that will stir up any trouble. Therefore, I did not announce to the public that I was dating. After discussing with my fiancé, we have decided to tell the truth! "We are getting married!" You (public/media) must really want to know who my husband is! We have known and been together for four and a half years. He is outstandingly handsome and he is a 極品……he is "Zhang Jin!" You (public/media) must really want to know why I like him! I love his abilities in both literal and martial arts, his wholeheartedness toward God, loyalty to friends, seriousness in work, the way he treats me is endless……勁! Since I am coming out honestly with the whole matter, it should put an end to the senseless rumours (rumours with good friend Monica Chan). Yet, I still want to thank my friends for helping me keep my secret.
To the big brothers and big sisters of the media, please show some mercy for Max and me since I am so honest! Don't send so much paparazzi to follow us! Allow us some personal space……let's just say that that will be our marriage gift! If you (media) are to write about us, write it in a better sense! Thank you for your support. Bless you!
Max Zhang Jin & Ada Choi
蔡少芬與相知相交四年半 張晉 結婚
一直以來我都同大家講感情事,都是「有拍拖等於無拍拖,無拍拖都是無拍拖!直至有一日我要結婚才會公布!」為著我要拍拖時有空間和彼此認識不用受不必要的 壓力、滋扰,所以才不公開承認!今天……()我和未婚夫商議後決定把承諾實踐!「我們要結婚啦!」你們一定好想知誰是我老公吧!他與我相知相交四年半,他 英俊有型,他是極品⊥……他叫「張晉」!()你們又一定好想知我喜歡他什麼吧!我愛他「文武雙全」、「對天夕、全心全意」、「對朋友忠誠」、「對工作認 真」、「對我?就真係不能盡說了……多得了不得…………!勁啊!」今次我如此這般坦誠相對,應該可以令最近那些無無謂謂_傳言可以「不攻自破」啦!但,仍 要多謝一班好友幫我保守秘密!各位傳媒大可大姐!但愿大家手下留情,見我咁坦白,能放過我和張晉一馬!唔好派咁多「狗仔隊」跟我們啦!比D自由空間……當 係結婚禮物!要寫都需好D!多多謝各界支持、祝福!
張晉 & 蔡少芬
蔡少芬(Ada)今午親筆以「Love:張晉&蔡少芬」為署名,傳真到各大傳媒,公布與內地演員張晉的婚訊,蔡少芬大讚張晉英俊有型、文武雙全、 對朋友忠誠、對工作認真、對她就更加不能盡說,更讚丈夫「好勁」,是極品!她又表示今次坦誠相對公布婚訊,可以令近日的無無謂謂的傳言(與老友陳法蓉的斷 背緋聞)不攻自破,她更多謝一班好友幫忙保守秘密。蔡少芬更希望各大傳媒手下留情,望能放過她與丈夫,不要派狗仔隊來追訪,給予二人多點空間,就當是送給 她的結婚禮物,就算寫都要寫好d!
Personal Note: Congratulations to Ada! Max Zhang Jin is one year younger than Ada. They first collaborated in the Mainland series "The Legend of the Magic Mirror" (Monica Chan was also in it). Then, in 2004, they were in "Tearaway Doctor" with Lawrence Ng.
*Credits to the-sun
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