Tavia Yeung took part in a promotion for the "Forza Motorsport 2 Game" yesterday, and while playing the game, she also decorated two remote controlled cars for charity auction which raised $700. Tavia expressed that her favourite car model is Fair Lady Z, and in the game, she picked the same type of car. Tavia smiled and said, "Out of my friends, only Ron Ng has this dream car, and it is my favourite color, white. In the past, I rode in his car. However, with his Fair Lady, he only stopped along the side of the road to let me test 'sit' in the car and has never driven me in it. (Are you afraid that riding Ron's car would start rumours or upsetting some of his rumoured girlfriends?) No, I'm not afraid! He and I are very good friends, and I plan on calling him later to borrow his car because he often asks me to borrow my car. So, I don't see why he won't lend me his".
楊怡昨日出席「Forza Motorsport 2全城競賽」活動,並試玩賽車遊戲和即場裝飾兩部搖控跑車作慈善拍賣之用,共籌得七百元善款。本身有玩遊戲機的楊怡,大讚這個賽車遊戲十分刺激,儼如真的 駕駛,更自誇是安全駕駛者,駕車以來僅試過一次因衝黃燈而被扣三分。
楊怡裝飾的其中一部搖控跑車:白色Fair Lady,正是其緋聞男友吳卓羲的座駕,她大方表示曾坐過對方的車,雖然沒有駕駛過,但自信對方會肯借給她駕駛,因她過去也試過借給他。問她不怕因而再傳 緋聞或令吳卓羲其他的緋聞女友不滿?她笑言不怕,還打趣謂待會兒就致電向他借車。
楊怡昨日化身賽車手出席賽車電視遊戲宣傳活動,她坦言十分鍾情Fairlady Z跑車,故打機也會揀選該型號一嘗駕駛樂。她笑道:「在我朋友當中,只有吳卓羲擁有這部戰車,且是我最喜歡的白色,但他只試過停車讓我試坐,卻沒有載過我 遊車河。(可會擔心遊車河傳出緋聞,令吳卓羲其他緋聞女友不滿?)不怕!我和他是好朋友,我還打算遲些問他借車,因他也會經常問我借車,我想他應該不會拒 絕。」問她是否喜歡開快車?她說:「我一向都是龜速行車,只試過一次不慎衝黃燈扣了3分。」至於打機,她自言不算瘋狂,最多打3小時便會休息,若過時就會 頭暈。
*Credits to takungpao and mingpao
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