Hong Kong's entertainment magazine Next Media held a press conference/award presentation last week to honour the artistes who were receiving awards. As a matter of fact, all the top ten happened to be artistes from TVB. After a month of viewer voting, this was the result outcome.
01. Charmaine Sheh
02. Jessica Hsuan
03. Myolie Wu
04. Kevin Cheng
05. Louisa So
06. Bosco Wong
07. Roger Kwok
08. Bernice Liu
09. Moses Chan
10. Shirley Yeung
It was kind of obvious that Charmaine would take the number one spot after taking both of the awards during last year's anniversary. Jessica always has a bunch of loyal fans supporting her, so her placing second is not a surprise. Let's just say that she was TVB's former number one sister. Although "To Grow with Love" bombed in ratings and feedback, Myolie is no doubt the next to rise. Also, no surprise that skilled actress Louisa So would place in top ten, but what really surprised me is that she place number five overall. Did she place because of her wonderful performance in last year's "Bar Bender" and "Men in Pain", or was it because of her superb cooking skills on the hit variety show "Beautiful Cooking" that crowned her 'Beautiful Cooking Goddess'?
The whole list seems kind of fixed to me. How is it possible that Shirley, Bosco, Kevin Cheng, Bernice, and Moses make it and artistes such as Bobby, Sheren, Liza, Michael Tse, Michael Miu, Ron, Raymond, Melissa, and Kenny Wong not make it? Back then, the top ten lists were definitely the most popular TV artistes/characters for that particular year. Also, how is it that "The Dance of Passion" and "To Grow with Love" make it on to the most popular top ten series/shows when the ratings were neither high nor received good positive feedback, while series such as "Forensic Heroes", "Safe Guards", and "Love Guaranteed" did not place?
I bet no one is ever going to break Flora's record of placing at number one for three consecutive years (1998 to 2000). I'm not even sure if anyone can match Michael Tao's two consecutive years at number one (1995 and 1996).
Seriously, voted by viewers? This has got to be a joke and I'm not laughing!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Baby Sammul
Sammul Chan Kin Fung
"Hello, everybody! I'm Sammul Chan Kin Fung, and I was born on May 4, 1978. That's right! My name is spelled S-a-m-m-u-l because when I was young, I had a lot of trouble remembering how to spell "Samuel". Thus, my mother changed my English name to "Sammul". I have two older sisters for siblings in my family. Since female power overrules the male power in my family, I have gained skills such as how to rearrange flowers and gift wrap. In 1996, I entered HK's radio station Metro 997 as a DJ. In 2000, I entered TVB and started to participate in dramas and do hosting jobs.
I had recently renewed my contract with TVB and am currently filming "Survivor's Law II" with Kenneth Ma. I am happy and satisfied with my relations with TVB, and I even got a pay raise with the renewal.
As for my love life, I am single and the rumours about me are not true. Many artistes prefer to search for love outside the industry, but I would not mind to look within the entertainment circle. I get along very well with Leila Tong and Bernice Liu. They are very compatible with me. Ha ha ha...."
Representative Works: "Reaching Out", "Survivor's Law", "Triumph in the Skies", "The Academy", and "Maidens' Vow".
Personal Note: Sammul looks kind of girly in the second picture, but still very cutie. I really enjoy Sammul's straightforward personality. He is very clear on what he likes and what he doesn't like. Like many artistes, Sammul also has a blog. However, his blog is in the top ten most visited HK artistes blogs. In one of his entries, he mentions that he is a Bobby Au Yeung fan.
"Hello, everybody! I'm Sammul Chan Kin Fung, and I was born on May 4, 1978. That's right! My name is spelled S-a-m-m-u-l because when I was young, I had a lot of trouble remembering how to spell "Samuel". Thus, my mother changed my English name to "Sammul". I have two older sisters for siblings in my family. Since female power overrules the male power in my family, I have gained skills such as how to rearrange flowers and gift wrap. In 1996, I entered HK's radio station Metro 997 as a DJ. In 2000, I entered TVB and started to participate in dramas and do hosting jobs.
I had recently renewed my contract with TVB and am currently filming "Survivor's Law II" with Kenneth Ma. I am happy and satisfied with my relations with TVB, and I even got a pay raise with the renewal.
As for my love life, I am single and the rumours about me are not true. Many artistes prefer to search for love outside the industry, but I would not mind to look within the entertainment circle. I get along very well with Leila Tong and Bernice Liu. They are very compatible with me. Ha ha ha...."
Representative Works: "Reaching Out", "Survivor's Law", "Triumph in the Skies", "The Academy", and "Maidens' Vow".
Personal Note: Sammul looks kind of girly in the second picture, but still very cutie. I really enjoy Sammul's straightforward personality. He is very clear on what he likes and what he doesn't like. Like many artistes, Sammul also has a blog. However, his blog is in the top ten most visited HK artistes blogs. In one of his entries, he mentions that he is a Bobby Au Yeung fan.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Shall We Talk: "Marathon" - Anne Heung
馬拉松 向海嵐
向海嵐一出道演楊貴妃,溫泉水滑洗凝脂,但演技生硬,招致劣評如潮。幾年下來,由國色天香(《帝女花》陳圓圓)演到鴨寮街粗魯女子(《翻新大少》),可觀 性反而增加了。去年她在《潮爆大狀》演邪牌,被富商石修左一巴「賤貨」右一巴「潑婦」,反而摑醒了,演戲不是做花瓶,看到她大躍進,在《迎妻接福》騙婚騙 財,講「通勝英文」出奇地惹笑。別忘記,湯盈盈也是靠演阿好上位,醜角力量不可小覷。
同事說,《迎妻接福》裏的江瑪莉搞笑,向海嵐原來也有喜劇細胞,令人刮目相看。記得當年看她演楊貴妃,臉尖身瘦的她擔演玉環,實在違背史實;後來她轉走奸 角路線,戚眉睜眼又覺太浮誇。終於看到她遇上這個喜劇角色,經歷幾年來載浮載沉,熬出了一點演技,她去年宣布淡出娛樂圈,回到校園讀法律,退一步原來茅塞 頓開。
「有一次,在化妝間,報道新聞的黃德如坐在我旁邊,我在吹頭,她突然問我是不是St Paul's畢業,她說:『我也是,我認得你。』她好像比我高一屆,我很驚訝,像我這樣文靜的人,在學校也有人記得我。」
「我從小都不喜歡別人讚自己靚,好尷尬,不知應該怎樣反應,應該說:『係呀,我好靚』還是『唔係,我好醜』呢?很多Auntie說:『好靚女,長大後參加 香港小姐啦。』我好怕。小時候覺得香港小姐很遙遠,直到身邊有個同學當選,就覺得不是那麼遙遠,真的可以選到,朋友說:『不如你都去選。』不知哪裏來的勇 氣,我就去試,那時的心態是回來玩兩個月,之後回加拿大。」
在慧妍雅集,不少前輩港姐都是嫁入豪門的太太,往往令她想到自己的婚姻大事。她也不諱言,羨慕像師姊吳婉芳嫁得好,婚姻美滿幸福。她常說雖然自小父母離 異,但沒有影響她對愛情及婚姻的憧憬,她渴望拍拖、結婚、生子。她不是要釣金龜_,只是想有個安樂窩,理想丈夫最好性格像歐陽震華般懂逗人開心,外形像陳豪高大但傻氣……
說到底是童心未泯。幾年前換Hello Kitty毛公仔,第一批出五對,她和母親走遍淺水灣、芬域碼頭的麥當勞去換。
Personal Note: From reading this 'Shall We Talk', I found a lot of interesting things about Anne. For instance, Anne's ideal husband should have the personality of Bobby Au Yeung, so he can make her laugh, and her ideal husband should have Moses Chan's tall appearance and a little witty air. Anne is a super McDonald's fan. Whenever she visits a different country or city, she will visit their local McD's and compare the taste. The end result is that HK's and Canada's are delicious, while US's is not as yummy.
*Credits to mingpao
Sunday, March 25, 2007
自我增值 財華兼備 富公子林峰唔打天才波
文: 胡杏兒
很 記得對阿峰的第一個印象,就是在劇集《尋秦記》中,穿o既皇帝服的阿峰,從樓梯慢慢走上來,嘩!那個眼神,真的有種 殺死你的感覺!不是溝女那種,而是充滿仇恨!那時我也只是個新人,心想:「乜呢個人咁古裝o既?」公司突然冒出一個這麼勁的靚仔,所以特別留意這個人! 咦?真的有板有眼,一點也不像新人!
阿峰說:「那時候我一直向前衝,不顧一切地演!還記得《尋秦記》第一日開工,已經要拍第40集大結局,當時和郭鋒叔那場對峙戲,真要多謝他對我的信任!」 回想當時,阿峰自覺是後生仔,所以天不怕地不怕,毅然放棄在外國讀建築,回港參加訓練班。當年的同學有楊怡及張美妮等,大家都很有憧憬、雄心壯志,可惜他 畢業後在家乾等了一個月:「那時真的很慌!想過是否揀錯了,幸好有家人支持,所以就繼續練歌、睇書,不可鬆懈!」
阿峰偶然也會客串做Drama(劇集),第一次是拍《碧血劍》,做個有一句對白的黑衣人,有一個大頭鏡頭:「其實我沒捱得太耐,因為很快便接到《美味情 緣》做第3男主角。作為新人,這麼快便接到戲份重的戲未必是好事!如果掌握得不好的話,可能就會從此消失!」當時阿峰並沒給自己太大壓力,當然他很快已自 知合格了,因為下一個劇已經是《尋秦記》。
其實我一直都欣賞阿峰唱歌,他不但是公司最唱得的一個,甚至能媲美樂壇的實力派歌手,所以有機會跟他唱K時,都會點些喜歡的歌給他唱。原來阿峰早在15、 16歲時已開始學聲樂,又學過跳舞、畫畫,小學時還經常參加朗誦比賽。記得之前拍《再生緣》時,他又特別請了專人闆他北派功夫及舞劍。
Personal Note: I believe this is final article written by Myolie. She admitted that she did not prepare a topic for Raymond due to her busy schedule. Of the three people she interviewed (Kenneth and Ron) she found out the most out of Raymond. Actually, this is the shortest of the three articles. Myolie revealed that she admires Raymond's singing the most and thanks to his leadership in "Eternal Happiness" which led to a new generation of artistes like herself and Ron in TVB to have continue opportunities to perform.
*Credits to the-sun
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
"Holy Gate" - Real
聖堂之門 - 阿沁
作曲/填詞: 阿沁
編曲: Terence Teo
天使斷了翅膀微笑著 美麗的犧牲
帶著傷痕背負著人們 穿越聖堂之門
還想逃開害怕承認 你轉身
天上的風 吹散了雲的傷痕
Repeat *
天上的風 吹散了雲的傷痕
天上的風 吹散了雲的傷痕
我學會平衡 永遠不再心疼
Saturday, March 17, 2007
跳出幕前心驚驚 吳卓羲再見「碎嘴王」
我參選港姐時,號碼是14號,那時候的我只有19歲,甚麼世面也沒有見識過,連入圍後第一次見記者,也只穿上淺藍色恤衫、牛仔褲,頭上還夾了個髮夾,到了 會場見到一個個化了妝、整了頭的女仔,才知道自己撞板了。記得我們選完以後,9號的黃泆潼還打趣跟我說:「港姐的最低年齡不是17歲嗎?你這個學生妹怎麼 跑來和我們爭飯吃?」那時候真的有很多有趣的回憶,而當時還是Dancer的卓羲(Ron)亦包括在內!
很多人也知道,Ron轉簽為藝員之前做了數年Dancer,但很多人不知道的是,他就是我當年選港姐時的舞伴,那時候我覺得自己特別幸運,因為他是眾 Dancer當中最靚仔的一個,所以做這個訪問時,我們不約而同緬懷一番,不知道他是畀面我還是tum我開心,原來那時候他Tip中了我和Sonija郭 羨妮會入三甲,哈哈!算他有眼光!
其實,以前的他頭髮很長,不像現在這麼調皮,這麼多話,不過我們很多人也時常取笑他,Roll機時經常開口夾__,結結巴巴的,不知道他說甚麼,但不 Roll機時即「鬼打咁精神」,經常作弄人、說笑。他可以說是「S4」中最有幽默感的一個,所以平時觀眾看到的,以及在雜誌_被寫到很Cool、很寸的, 根本不是他本人!
後來記得做完一個Show之後,看到Ron被一班Dancer抱起拋上半空,跟_大家不斷地說一些道別的說話,再見到他淚水汪汪的眼睛,才知道原來當晚是 他做Dancer的最後一晚,因為他要轉做Artist了。知道後其實也沒有驚訝,因為覺得他條件很好,是一件理所當然的事。
轉做Artist以後,第一份工作是電視電影《鐵翼驚情》,角色叫乘客甲,負責坐在黃佩霞與黃德斌身後,拿_一隻船(買回來的手信)不停與鄰座的乘客乙討 論,基本上是沒有對白的,但起碼開始知道拍攝的運作。第二份工作是《烈火雄心2》,角色是消防員乙,負責後排攻擊,不斷「畀碎嘴」,俗稱「碎嘴王」,首兩 句對白是「係呀」及「係囉」!
到第三份工作,終於有了認真的對白,在《流金歲月》演CID,有一場戲要盤問羅嘉良(撈家)。Ron說他足足驚了幾日,因為他當時只有理論(訓練班時學 的),沒有實習,只好硬_頭皮頂硬上,剛好那場戲在收工前拍,在一眾「等收工」眼光下,壓力自然更大,但壓力愈大NG愈多,惟有出廠外飲啖水冷靜一下,就 在這時候,撈家出來闆他先要明白對白意思,再自己消化,然後用口語說出來。經過撈家闆導後,果然再NG兩、三次便OK了,其實除了撈家外,拍《衝上雲霄》 時的吳鎮宇,以及拍《英雄出少年》時的劉松仁,也闆導了Ron很多演戲上的事情。
之前,在Ron的訪問中知道,原來古仔(古天樂)就是當年推薦他做Artist的伯樂!不過,原來Ron很怕別人提起這件事,因為不希望別人認為他博宣 傳,也怕古仔不喜歡,因為對方一直很低調。其實,他們本身也不是經常出來吃飯的那種熟朋友,只是外界一直以為是這樣,但他承認古仔對他很好,也會問候他的 近況。不能成為好朋友,可能是因為大家都不太多話,兩個不多話的人走在一起,就更加沒話可說了。如果要說好朋友的話,那就非林峰莫屬了,Ron說他和林峰 是性格很極端的人,一個是公子一名,欠缺幽默感,一個調皮百厭,但偏偏能成為好朋友。
Ron說他與阿峰真的是識於微時,那時候訓練班在排舞室上堂,他學跳辣身舞時,剛好阿峰就在隔壁學拍Kiss戲,一班人還跑到他那_偷看他們拍戲,到真正 轉了做Artist的時候,阿峰已經拍完《尋秦記》紅了,是阿峰主動約他出來吃飯,可能是緣分,兩個人就這樣熟絡起來。到了拍《大唐雙龍傳》時,兩個人一 起在內地四個多月,每天不是在休息間就是在房間,一起討論今天的戲應怎樣演,明天的動作又可以怎樣做,更穩固了大家的感情。到了今時今日,他們每隔一天就 通電話一次,Ron說要在圈內找到一個和自己夾,又能完全作伴的朋友,真的十分困難,我也非常認同這一點!
Personal Note: Another article written by Myolie, but this time, she wrote about Ron. Myolie mentions that when she took part in Miss Hong Kong 1999, Ron was her dancing partner because he was in all her dancing segments. Back then, she felt extra special because Ron was the most handsome amongst the group of dancers. She also described Ron as the most humourous amongst 'S4' because he likes to play jokes on others and tell jokes. Myolie also states what the audiences see and the media writes about him being cool and snobby are not the true Ron Ng. Two weeks ago, Myolie wrote about Kenneth. I wonder if she is going to write about all the 'S4' or the New Tigers ('S4' including Raymond Lam)?
*Credits to the-sun
Monday, March 12, 2007
Siu Sang Dog Breeds III
小生與狗仔 III
Personal Note: I was thinking of adding Raymond Lam, but could not think of which dog to compare him to.
*Pictures from wikipedia and dognamesandmore
Louis Koo - Golden Retriever
The golden retriever is one of the most beautiful and is the most popular of the dog breeds. Louis definitely has the most fame out of these male artistes. After leaving a mark in TVB, Louis is one of the highest in demand actors in the Hong Kong movie industry. In 2006, he filmed three movies, and they overlapped each other. This makes him the closest to Carol Cheng's (Dodo) record of filming nine movies at the same time back in the day. With his looks and acting skills, he will be the next 'Best Actor' in movies.
Gallen Lo - Rottweiler
Gallen is described by his colleagues as mature, extremely calm, silent, and very respectful to others. Gallen and rottweilers share the common trait of being extremely calm and patient. They are fiercely loyal and protective of their families. Gallen only wants the best for his family. In 2003, he purchased a 3 million HKD mansion, and two years ago, he purchased a mansion worth 5 million HKD. A rottweiler's mean and evil appearance is also very similar to Gallen's role as Tsui Ka Lap in "Cold Blood Warm Heart".
Roger Kwok - Boxer
Roger would be best described as a boxer because they are both loyal and affectionate. When it comes to loyalty to TVB, Roger would be TVB's most faithful and devoted artiste. He has been with TVB ever since joining in 1985. Roger even had the rare opportunity to expand outside of TVB. That kind of freedom was not granted to Gordon Lam, which led to him leaving TVB.
Sammul Chan - Chihuahua
A chihuahua is a small dog with a big dog attitude and they have more bark than bite. Sammul has excellent speaking skills and is very smart with words. He is very quick to respond to troublesome questions and also has the ability to control hosting events. Plus, Sammul has the smallest head of all the male artistes.Personal Note: I was thinking of adding Raymond Lam, but could not think of which dog to compare him to.
*Pictures from wikipedia and dognamesandmore
Gallen Lo 羅嘉良,
Louis Koo 古天樂,
Roger Kwok 郭晉安,
Sammul Chan 陳鍵鋒
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Siu Sang Dog Breeds II
小生與狗仔 II
*Pictures from wikipedia, ws.com, and dogsnamesandmore
Moses Chan - Labrador Retriever
Just like a labrador retriever, Moses is charming and very charismatic. He has an excellent temperament. He has never lost his cool on set or off set. Labradors are very big sport dogs. Moses excels in surfing, tennis, and is a natural in martial arts. Even with his 6'1" figure, he can pass when it comes to dancing.
Kenneth Ma - Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire terriers makes great companion dogs for elderly people, and they do not mind spending most of their time on their owner's laps. Kenneth's carefree attitude is very similar to a yorkie. Kenneth looks up to idol senior 'green leaf' Benz Hui. Many youngens' goal is to either be Andy Lau or Tony Leung Chiu Wai, but Kenneth only wants to be like Benz. As for the elderly part, his 'older female and younger male' relationship rumours with Margie Tsang are still a hot topic at the moment.
Ron Ng - Siberian Husky
The siberian husky is known as one of the most beautiful and exotic looking dogs. Ron is known for his handsome looks. He has very sharp facial features, which look stunning from any angle. Like the husky, Ron is a hard worker because, in the month of May, he will be sent overseas to study and improve his dancing, singing, English, and Mandarin skills.
Steven Ma - Beagle
The beagle's loud bark is the best feature to describe Steven's vociferous singing talents. There is no doubt about it: Steven is the only one in TVB who can sing. Steven is very polite and refined looking. That is why, in series, he tends to play the scholar or professional types because he enjoys wearing suits.*Pictures from wikipedia, ws.com, and dogsnamesandmore
Kenneth Ma 馬國明,
Moses Chan 陳豪,
Ron Ng 吳卓羲,
Steven Ma 馬浚偉
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Siu Sang Dog Breeds I
小生與狗仔 I
*Pictures from wikipedia and dogsnamesandmore
Bobby Au Yeung - Chow Chow
A chow chow's appearance resembles closely to Bobby's figure. Chows Chows are extremely loyal to their families as is Bobby's relationship with his mother company, TVB. Another thing that makes Bobby a Chow Chow is that a typical chow's behaviour is thought to be similar to a cat rather than a dog. Bobby is described as Garfield the cat by Jessica Hsuan because his eyes always seem to not get enough sleep.
Julian Cheung Chi Lam - Pomeranian
Pomeranian dogs are described to have wide eyes that appear to be youthful and sweet. At the age of 35, Chi Lam has entered the entertainment business for fifteen years, and even though he has just became a father last November; he still looks as though he is in his 20s. Plus, he has very powerful eyes because they have the ability to speak.
Wong He - German Shepherd
German shepherds are very intelligent and are best kept busy. They are often trained as guard dogs, police dogs, or military dogs. Before stepping foot into the entertainment business, Wong He was a Hong Kong Police Officer. Even in series, He has played numerous roles as police officers, customs officers, and firefighters. German shepherds are very hardworking dogs. If He can climb Mount Everest, a little work is not an obstacle that He cannot handle.
Bosco Wong - Pug
Out of the group of youngens, Bosco is known to be playful and full of energy. Bosco would be best described as a pug. Pugs have an adorable spunky attitude that usually keeps owners laughing despite their disobedience. In the past, Bosco got his share of negative news, such as going to late night bars and living off his ex-girlfriend. Despite all of that, he is favoured by TVB executives.*Pictures from wikipedia and dogsnamesandmore
Bobby Au Yeung 歐陽震華,
Bosco Wong 黃宗澤,
Chi Lam 張智霖,
Wong He 王喜
Saturday, March 3, 2007
文: 胡杏兒
馬明,對!馬明是我們所有人對他的暱稱。之前瀏覽過一個內地網站,粉絲為我統計過與小生合作的次數,我才發現在新五虎與S4當中,(即陳鍵鋒、林峰、馬 明、吳卓羲及黃宗澤),合作得最多的竟然是馬明。記得許多年前,初入行的我,有次在走廊碰到一個皮膚黝黑,有點瘦,頭髮長長但非常高大的男子,有點像吊靴 鬼般,半邊身貼_牆走,生怕會撞到別人或是被人撞倒似的。當他看到我望住他時,立刻很害羞地多次點頭,然後便急急腳地走了,因此我對此人特別有印象,他便是馬明。
機會不斷接踵而來,但馬明還是非常「鵪鶉」,記得與他拍《同撈同煲》時,《K-100》來探班,問他兩句也不想回答。有次我與馬明深情對話,他坦言只想做 許紹雄,放工可以返家吃飯便夠,你可知道Benz雄開的車子也是Benz?如果你不斷「鵪鶉」,恐怕遲早連少少的機會也喪失。
愛情 冇約曾華倩
人紅了自然會有緋聞,連緋聞絕緣體馬明也不例外,但原來首位傳跟他傳緋聞的竟是徐子珊,他說:「拍《女人唔易做》時,上過一次封面,那時候真的很不開心, 不明白為何要這樣屈我!」其實緋聞對藝人來說,不一定完全是負面的,只要不寫得太差,有時也可以成為話題。現在的馬明已經不會再和曾小姐單獨吃飯,有時只 是在公司Canteen碰到面,某程度上是怕了緋聞。馬明七年前拍過一次拖,女友已經結婚,問到是否不需要拍拖?他又搞笑地說:「我一入公司已經開始找, 只是找不到而已!」他承認曾經喜歡過戲內的葉璇及江芷妮!身為他的朋友,也希望他快點找到一個成熟一點的女伴,即使不喜歡唐老鴨(註:因為馬明很喜歡唐老 鴨),喜歡米奇老鼠也可以!
家庭 唐老鴨家族勁Sweet
原來馬明在一個非常幸福的家庭長大,從小讀書,爸媽不會給予壓力,甚麼也讓他做決定,就算當初要放棄做工程師去參加訓練班,家人也沒有說過甚麼,一切只要 他開心便成了。馬明和媽媽很親,在家會攬_一起看電視;其母閒時看到有特色的唐老鴨精品,也會第一時間買給他,一家人還會為一隻唐老鴨公仔切蛋糕慶祝生 日,我真的很羨慕他有這樣一個好媽媽,難怪馬明不斷說想多賺點錢給媽媽!
後記 打工仔冇爭獎心
上年台慶,我和馬明分別以《肥田囍事》入圍「最佳女主角」及「我最喜愛的飛躍進步男藝員」。臨開始頒獎時,我對他說:「你今晚一定_獎!」當時他以一貫的 謙虛態度說:「你一定_獎先真!」結果他真的獲獎,而我卻捧蛋!完騷後,他突然走到我身邊,用很歉疚的眼神看_我說:「好對唔住呀!杏兒。」好像是他拿了 我的獎似的,現在回想起來,真的覺得馬明很純真、很傻,希望這個自命只是個搭地鐵、搭巴士返工的打工仔,在不斷進步期間,也能保留這份純真及傻勁!
Personal Note: This article was written by Myolie, and it was about her views on Kenneth. They entered the industry at the same time, and out of the new tigers and S4, she has worked with Kenneth the most. She mentions the he is the first partner she extremely admires. Back then, during a radio station interview for "Triumph in the Skies", she was the first one to publicly refer to him as "Ma Ming". It is very surprising for Myolie to write an article about Kenneth. This so came out of nowhere. I wonder if she will continue to write about her other onscreen partners?
*Credits to the-sun
Thursday, March 1, 2007
It is very interesting how different Cantonese and Taishanese are because some of the Taishanese just sounds so funny. Here is a lesson in Taishanese. The first Chinese characters are the pronunciation in Taishanese, and second set of Chinese characters is Cantonese. Have fun!
Lesson: 1
尾 (mei) 腿 (tui) - 唔 (m) 知 (ji) 道 (do) - Don't know
屐 (kek) - 佢 (kui) 地 (dei) - Them
歡 (foon) - 粉 (fan) - Noodle
不 (bu) 好 (hao) - 槌 (tsui) - Hammer (The Taishenese must be spoken in Mandarin in order to have the correct pronunciation)
剛 (gong) - 講 (gong) - Talk, speak
吃 (hek) 煩 (faan) - 食 (sik) 飯 (faan) - Eat rice
要 (yiu) 息 (sik) /口 (hau) 供 (gung) - 憂 (yau) 息 (sik) - Days off work
好 (ho) 吃 (hek) - 好 (ho) 食 (sik) - Delicious
綠 (luk) 衣 (yi) - 警 (ging) 察 (chaat) - Police officer
Lesson: 1
尾 (mei) 腿 (tui) - 唔 (m) 知 (ji) 道 (do) - Don't know
屐 (kek) - 佢 (kui) 地 (dei) - Them
歡 (foon) - 粉 (fan) - Noodle
不 (bu) 好 (hao) - 槌 (tsui) - Hammer (The Taishenese must be spoken in Mandarin in order to have the correct pronunciation)
剛 (gong) - 講 (gong) - Talk, speak
吃 (hek) 煩 (faan) - 食 (sik) 飯 (faan) - Eat rice
要 (yiu) 息 (sik) /口 (hau) 供 (gung) - 憂 (yau) 息 (sik) - Days off work
好 (ho) 吃 (hek) - 好 (ho) 食 (sik) - Delicious
綠 (luk) 衣 (yi) - 警 (ging) 察 (chaat) - Police officer
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