Date: February 28, 2007
Temporary Chinese title: 《律政新人王II》
Pinyin title: Lut Jing San Yan Wong Yi
Temporary English title: "Survivor's Law II"
Producer: Kwan Wing Chung
Attending Cast: Kenneth Ma, Ella Koon, Rebecca Chan, Chun Wong, Selena Li, Bak Yan, June Chan, Kwok Fung, Queenie Chu, Ngo Ka Nin, Wong Ching, Fung So Bor, Kwok Cheuk Wah, Chu Yuen Yi, Karen Lee, Bowie Wu, Kwong Joh Fai, Ko Chun Man, and Meini Cheung.
Sammul will not be present because he is still in Mainland China filming the Mainland production "The Last Princess". Finally, it is about time that Kenneth's name is first. It is such a good and weird feeling though. There is going to be a lot of veterans in the series. I hope they will change the name to something else when they actually start filming. Also, I think Rebecca will be related to Kenneth in the show. I hope they play brother and sister again. I really enjoyed their sibling relationship in "Into Thin Air".
Related post: Kenneth Ma's First Male Lead
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Another Sequel?!
TVB will be filming a sequel to "The Gentle Crackdown"; however, Moses Chan and Niki Chow are both not in it. They will be replaced by Steven Ma and singer Yumiko Cheng. On June 22, 2006, I did an entry on a series synopsis for the sequel, but I had Yoyo Mung in it.
Now, the question is, why is TVB making so many sequels this year? Last December, they announced "Forensic Heroes II" will be filming this July. Just the day before, TVB held a meeting and said "Survivor’s Law II" will be filming on March 8, 2007. Has TVB run out of ideas? You would think that since they have two long dramas in filming process, TVB would have to come up with a few fresh ideas, but instead they resort to their old dramas and steal old ideas.
The second question, who crapped and made Yumiko main? There are plenty of 'fa dans' not filming right now. Why in the world would TVB cast Yumiko to be female lead? Oh, I forgot that Yumiko has EEG as her backup. They probably paid their way through to get the role just like all their music awards, or is TVB giving her, and I quote from my little sister, a "pants dropping comeback" for losing her pants in front of a live audience and having the clip broadcast on YouTube?
Thirdly, why would TVB make sequels without the original cast? Why call it a sequel then? Seriously, Yumiko is the worst of the worst. She has the most absolute laziest tongue in the industry. She can't speak, sing, or dance. It's unbelievable that she is going to be female lead.
Now, the question is, why is TVB making so many sequels this year? Last December, they announced "Forensic Heroes II" will be filming this July. Just the day before, TVB held a meeting and said "Survivor’s Law II" will be filming on March 8, 2007. Has TVB run out of ideas? You would think that since they have two long dramas in filming process, TVB would have to come up with a few fresh ideas, but instead they resort to their old dramas and steal old ideas.
The second question, who crapped and made Yumiko main? There are plenty of 'fa dans' not filming right now. Why in the world would TVB cast Yumiko to be female lead? Oh, I forgot that Yumiko has EEG as her backup. They probably paid their way through to get the role just like all their music awards, or is TVB giving her, and I quote from my little sister, a "pants dropping comeback" for losing her pants in front of a live audience and having the clip broadcast on YouTube?
Thirdly, why would TVB make sequels without the original cast? Why call it a sequel then? Seriously, Yumiko is the worst of the worst. She has the most absolute laziest tongue in the industry. She can't speak, sing, or dance. It's unbelievable that she is going to be female lead.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Kenneth Ma's First Male Lead
In 2003, "Survivor’s Law" brought out youngens, such as Raymond Lam, Sammul Chan, Myolie Wu, and Bernice Liu. Four years later, TVB will be making a sequel to the series, starring Kenneth Ma, Sammul Chan, Ella Koon, and Selena Li. The series will be produced by Kwan Wing Chung. Since Raymond and Myolie’s schedules clashed with this filming, TVB executive producer Tommy Leung nominated Kenneth to star in his first main lead series. The costume fitting will take place on March 8, 2007.
In the series, Kenneth will be playing a 流民律師. He is a lawyer who grew up from the streets. Sammul will be the only one reviving his character from SL. In the sequel, Sammul will have his law license revoked. Bernice's character will leave for the states and will eventually get married abroad.
03年無線推出《律政新人王》劇集不單錄得 37點最高收視成績,更捧紅「新五虎」林線及陳鍵鋒,事隔4年無線決定開拍續集,唯獨保留「停牌律師」陳鍵鋒,另加入馬國明、官恩娜及李詩韻,原來今次馬 國明有機會擔正男主角,多得戲劇分部助理總監梁家樹的欽點,力捧他成為獨當一面小生。
昨日向監製關永忠求證開拍續集一事,他承認3月會開拍《律政新人王Ⅱ》(暫名),馬國明在劇中飾演一個重情重義的流氓律師,他的角色背景在果欄長大,所以 劇情加插不少踩界行徑。記者致電給馬國明,追問梁家樹欽點他演出一事,他說﹕「沒有聽過,但當然好開心,自《衝上雲霄》後,梁家樹給予不少機會,第一次擔正男主角同陳鍵鋒拍住上,我會畀心機拍好部劇。」雖然他第一次演律師角色,但完全不擔心,一來他的姐夫是律師,專業問題可以請教姐夫,其次無線會安排劇中藝員視察律師樓的運作,以及到法庭旁聽做足準備工夫。
他透露劇情會交代陳鍵鋒被停牌後變得自卑,女朋友廖碧兒離開香港進修及在外國結婚,陳鍵鋒的感情路波節重重,幸好有李詩韻的出現,她為陳鍵鋒折衣縮食,最 後助他復牌做大律師,與馬國明這位超齡流氓律師拍住上。而官恩娜演馬國明的女朋友,原本她讀時裝設計,但因為馬國明關係令她改變主意做律師,最終變為一個有Heart的律師。
無線將於3月8日開鏡拍攝《律政新人王2》,但原定的主角林峰和胡杏兒因要拍攝另一部無線長劇《歲月風雲》而被踢出局,無線戲劇分部助理總監梁家樹遂欽點 了馬國明擔正《律政新人王2》男主角。昨日馬國明出席新春活動時稱,前天剛為新劇開過會。問到知否梁家樹特意欽點他當新劇男主角﹖他謂﹕「我也不知道是否 他特別垂青我,可能我剛巧拍完《古靈精探》有空檔,而公司拍攝的另一長劇《歲月風雲》抽調了大量人手,而且拍足8個月,所以公司人手才會出現不足情況。」
Personal Note: Oh, my god! When my sister told me that Ma Ming is going to have his first main, I was super happy and excited for him. I thought he was going to be in Louisa So and Michael Tao's comedy series next month. I knew Miss Lok said that Ma Ming will have a main this year, but I never would have guessed that this would be his next project. If this whole thing is true, I'm not worried about it not being aired because law series never get warehoused. Plus, law series are very popular, since TVB films this genre at least once a year. There are two things that I don't like about this project. The first thing is Sammul playing the same character from part one. I would rather he play a different character. Take "Burning Flame II" for instance, Wong He was the only one from the first one, and in part two, he played a different character. It would be refreshing to see. The second thing is that Ella is playing Ma Ming's love interest. I would prefer someone else; however, looking on the bright side, at least it isn't Yumiko.
*Credits to singtao
In the series, Kenneth will be playing a 流民律師. He is a lawyer who grew up from the streets. Sammul will be the only one reviving his character from SL. In the sequel, Sammul will have his law license revoked. Bernice's character will leave for the states and will eventually get married abroad.
03年無線推出《律政新人王》劇集不單錄得 37點最高收視成績,更捧紅「新五虎」林線及陳鍵鋒,事隔4年無線決定開拍續集,唯獨保留「停牌律師」陳鍵鋒,另加入馬國明、官恩娜及李詩韻,原來今次馬 國明有機會擔正男主角,多得戲劇分部助理總監梁家樹的欽點,力捧他成為獨當一面小生。
昨日向監製關永忠求證開拍續集一事,他承認3月會開拍《律政新人王Ⅱ》(暫名),馬國明在劇中飾演一個重情重義的流氓律師,他的角色背景在果欄長大,所以 劇情加插不少踩界行徑。記者致電給馬國明,追問梁家樹欽點他演出一事,他說﹕「沒有聽過,但當然好開心,自《衝上雲霄》後,梁家樹給予不少機會,第一次擔正男主角同陳鍵鋒拍住上,我會畀心機拍好部劇。」雖然他第一次演律師角色,但完全不擔心,一來他的姐夫是律師,專業問題可以請教姐夫,其次無線會安排劇中藝員視察律師樓的運作,以及到法庭旁聽做足準備工夫。
他透露劇情會交代陳鍵鋒被停牌後變得自卑,女朋友廖碧兒離開香港進修及在外國結婚,陳鍵鋒的感情路波節重重,幸好有李詩韻的出現,她為陳鍵鋒折衣縮食,最 後助他復牌做大律師,與馬國明這位超齡流氓律師拍住上。而官恩娜演馬國明的女朋友,原本她讀時裝設計,但因為馬國明關係令她改變主意做律師,最終變為一個有Heart的律師。
無線將於3月8日開鏡拍攝《律政新人王2》,但原定的主角林峰和胡杏兒因要拍攝另一部無線長劇《歲月風雲》而被踢出局,無線戲劇分部助理總監梁家樹遂欽點 了馬國明擔正《律政新人王2》男主角。昨日馬國明出席新春活動時稱,前天剛為新劇開過會。問到知否梁家樹特意欽點他當新劇男主角﹖他謂﹕「我也不知道是否 他特別垂青我,可能我剛巧拍完《古靈精探》有空檔,而公司拍攝的另一長劇《歲月風雲》抽調了大量人手,而且拍足8個月,所以公司人手才會出現不足情況。」
Personal Note: Oh, my god! When my sister told me that Ma Ming is going to have his first main, I was super happy and excited for him. I thought he was going to be in Louisa So and Michael Tao's comedy series next month. I knew Miss Lok said that Ma Ming will have a main this year, but I never would have guessed that this would be his next project. If this whole thing is true, I'm not worried about it not being aired because law series never get warehoused. Plus, law series are very popular, since TVB films this genre at least once a year. There are two things that I don't like about this project. The first thing is Sammul playing the same character from part one. I would rather he play a different character. Take "Burning Flame II" for instance, Wong He was the only one from the first one, and in part two, he played a different character. It would be refreshing to see. The second thing is that Ella is playing Ma Ming's love interest. I would prefer someone else; however, looking on the bright side, at least it isn't Yumiko.
*Credits to singtao
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Linda Chung and Kenneth Ma Fighting to Become Year of the Pig's Bad Person
馬國明和鍾嘉欣為無線今年力捧小生花旦,為免得獎後進步變退步,兩人希望有機會自我增值,磨練演技,馬國明說:「我想做舞台劇,因為你做得好唔好,觀眾o 既反應會反映出o黎,同埋做舞台 劇滿足感會好大。另外,我一直好想試 o下做奸角,雖然好人比較易做,觀眾會好受落,但係冇乜發揮機會。我一向鍾意做戲,做得好人多會有少少悶,但奸角就會好出、好爆,有得發揮。」
鍾嘉欣表示認同馬國明的話,她說:「奸角係有好大發揮機會,我好好彩,o依家拍緊個部長劇《珠光寶氣》,我演有錢女角色,因為太有錢,經常視男人如無物, 將佢地玩弄係股掌之間 ,係一個壞女孩,對我o黎講真係好大挑戰,加上今次有機會同蔡少芬、林保怡呢班好戲之人合作,可以學到唔少o野。」問到豬年願望,鍾嘉欣說:「希望可以接 多d騷,賺多d錢,等我今年可以供甩層樓。」
*Credits to appledaily
Saturday, February 17, 2007

*Picture taken by Fun Yan
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
TVB Artistes Rankings 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Dong Ka Fa Dan Hot Coffee
Note: I don't know where to classify Charmaine Sheh and Gigi Lai.
*Pictures from wikipedia, tungstar, etc.
Kenix Kwok - Espresso
A properly brewed espresso has three major parts: the heart, the body, and the most distinguishing factor, the presence of crema, which is the foam of the surface. In Kenix's heart, she is a career-oriented woman who is always focused on acting. Kenix (body) filmed for TVB all these years even though she is not a managed artiste. Her marriage is the crema: she is the only one of these five actresses to have found happiness inside the entertainment industry.
Flora Chan - Cappuccino
A cup of cappuccino is made with espresso coffee, hot milk, and milk foam. A typical cup of cappuccino is served in a six-ounce cup. Milk is such an important ingredient in a cup of cappuccino. Flora's 人緣 and 觀眾緣 are great representatives of milk. When Flora first started acting, she was very much 'in house' and accepted by the audience from around the world. Her modesty and ability to play professional roles have stabilized her position as a fa dan in audiences' hearts. Plus, Flora is shorter and smaller than the other fa dans.
Jessica Hsuan - Latte
Latte is prepared with one-third espresso and two-thirds milk. It has more milk than a cappucino and has a milder and milkier taste. Just like Flora, Jessica is very loved by the audience. The difference between the two of them is that Jessica's acting is more natural and smooth.
Ada Choi - Mocha
A mocha is just like a latte. It contains one-third espresso and two-thirds milk, but a shot of chocolate is added. Ada has always captured audiences' hearts no matter if it is her personality or her acting. The only difference that separates mocha from cappuccino and latte is the chocolate. In this case, it would have to Ada's ability to play evil roles.
Maggie Cheung Ho Yee - Flat White
A flat white is also very much like a latte. It is made from one-third espresso and two-thirds milk; however, it only has a very thin layer of foam at the top. Maggie is an extremely straightforward person, and she carries a serious attitude toward work. Maggie has a disadvantage due to her personality. At times she may be too blunt, but she is just being honest.Note: I don't know where to classify Charmaine Sheh and Gigi Lai.
*Pictures from wikipedia, tungstar, etc.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Fa Dan Drinks
Melissa Ng - Red Wine
Melissa is very graceful and full of 'elegant air'. Just like red wine, the longer it sits, the better the quality. She has been portraying mature roles since she first entered TVB. Now she is finally being her own age in series.Tavia Yeung - Lemonade
The mixture of the sweet and sour taste of lemonade is just like Tavia's ability to play different roles in modern and ancient series. Especially when it comes to ancient martial arts, she is one of the few younger fa dans with ancient beauty.Yoyo Mung - Water
Yoyo is the refreshing taste of pure water. She is the ordinary girl next door with a very energetic personality that excels in all kinds of sports. Yoyo is also a quick learner in marital arts. She is already labelled as the next 'fighter girl'. She also fits the saying, "有情飲水飽"!Myolie Wu - Jasmine Tea
Jasmine tea is honoured as the most fragrant and most popular scented tea. Of the younger fa dans, Myolie is the most loved by TVB and by audiences. She is capable of playing mentally challenged, tragic, and comedic roles. She just has to film more ancient series to grasp onto the Mainland market.Bernice Liu - Orange Juice
Orange juice is healthy and full of vitamin C. Bernice is sweet (甜姐兒), cute, and has a healthy image. With all of her talents, Bernice can be a true performer.Note: I don't know where to classify Charmaine Sheh and Gigi Lai.
*Pictures from, crionline, sina, and wikipedia
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
TVB 2007 CNY Card
For this year's CNY card, TVB did some major budget cutback and used their artistes' calendar pictures and added some cartoon pigs to welcome the 'Year of the Pig'. Well, compared to last year's card, the new one is very cheap. Every TVB contracted artiste had at least two individual pictures plus a group photo. Not to mention the there was also the eight lucky envelopes featuring Ron Ng, Raymond Lam, Bosco Wong, Kenneth Ma, Myolie Wu, Tavia Yeung, Bernice Liu, and Shirley Yeung. My guess is that TVB overspent last year and has decided to cheapen this year's card. Rather than showing off all of their contracted artistes, TVB only had ten 'siu sangs' and eight 'fa dans' on this year's card. They consist of Roger Kwok, Bowie Lam, Moses Chan, Ron Ng, Raymond Lam, Kevin Cheng, Steven Ma, Bosco Wong, Kenneth Ma, Kenny Wong, Gigi Lai, Charmaine Sheh, Myolie Wu, Sonija Kwok, Tavia Yeung, Yoyo Mung, Bernice Liu, and Linda Chung.
This year’s CNY card concept is "豬年暢旺" and "豬籠入水"; hence, the microphones and swimwear. The atmosphere for the card is all wrong. It doesn't seem as though it's "Happy New Year!" Ron and Bosco have that sharp, glaring, cross eyesight. Mind you that the pictures were taken from the calendar and they were to look cool.
2006 CNY Card
Furthermore, every year's CNY card indicates status in ranking. Melissa Ng is not on the card this year. With that in mind, I am very worried about her position. Last year, she was in the "big leagues" with Roger, Jessica, Bowie, and Moses. Has she not recovered after filming for "The Master of Tai Chi" or would TVB freeze her for rejecting series like "The Slicing of the Demon", "Phoenix and Rising", and "爸爸閉翳" (literally translated as "Trouble Daddy"). I hope not because I like Melissa a lot, so I hope she returns soon. Plus, I'm really anticipating "Tai Chi". However, if that airs, then Melissa will be out of series. TVB better have not forgotten about her or have thrown her in the freezer. She deserves better than that. I don't know why TVB didn't promote her back then. She had bigger roles in "A Kindred Spirit" and "Lady Yang" and was recognized for them. That was the perfect time to push her up, but TVB had 'fa dans' and 'siu sangs' during that period. TVB only promotes Miss HK winners and MCI first place winners. Well, not so much MCI anymore because they are promoting Fala Chen and she's only a MCI first runner-up just like Melissa. TVB is so unfair!
Saturday, February 3, 2007
《盛世連年》 群星齊賀豬年
TVB 《盛世連年》 New Year Clip
TVB's Creative Imaging Department (C.I.D) created a 80-second promotional clip to welcome Chinese New Year, Year of the Pig. This year's CNY falls on Sunday, February 18th, 2007. The TVB artistes involved in this clip included Bowie Lam, Ron Ng, Raymond Lam, Bosco Wong, Steven Ma, Kenneth Ma, Myolie Wu, Tavia Yeung, Shirley Yeung, Kate Tsui, Lai Lok Yi, Matthew Ko, Amigo Choi, Stephen Huyhn, Charles Szeto, Fala Chan, Angela Tong, Linda Chung, Sharon Chan, Leanne Li, Rocky Cheng, Ong Yi Hing, Francois Huyhn, Martin Lau, Bryan Pang, Vivien Yeo, Nancy Wu, Elaine Yiu, Suki Chui, Yoyo Chen, Eric Li, Erica Yuen, Charmaine Li, and Queena Chan. The clip starts off in the year of 2107, and TVB is still going forward.
Ron, Myolie, and the little girl actually looked like a warm family. Tavia and Kenneth were the only ones who had eye contact with each other on the ride.
*Credits to 雪子
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