M = Moses Chan A = Ada Choi F = Flora Chan
Are you taken? 名草有主
A: You are very, very hard worker when it comes to learning Chinese, but you are so bad! Your Chinese is only okay! Who taught you?!
M: It’s you (did not indicate whom)
A: He says it’s you! (pointing at Flora)
F: It’s you! (pointing at Ada) He’s saying that you always fool around in the studio making it difficult for him to act!
A: Do you think we are very violent?
M: (hesitant) No, you two are not violent. You two are very gentle, not at all violent! That’s impossible!
A: Why do people want to?
M: It’s because of you (looking at Ada as he speaks)
A: Have you thought of the reason why?
M: It’s because I’m repugnant. I can’t think of any other reason why.
A: Are you taken? 名草有主 Do you have 4 or 5 (girlfriends) at home?! Speak up!
M: Eh…many. There’s a lot.
A: They’re all pork chops okay, next question when rumours surface, do you have to report to anyone?
M: (big laugh) I have to report to my husband!
A: Do you have to report to your mother?
M: No!
A: Let me speak! You don’t have to clarify because you’re always with your older brother! Do you have to report to Ada Choi? Do you have to report to Flora Chan?
M: No!
You like pork chops
A: You’ve been in modeling, movies, and television, which one do you like better?
M: Eh!
A: Speak now! Which one do you like? Flora Chan and Ada Choi, who do you like better?
M: Floda! (that is, Flora + Ada) Ha ha! I’m going to answer the previous question. I like all of them: modeling is okay, you get a sense of success in filming movies but it’s limited in the character you play, and it’s a change for television because there are a variety of roles to play.
A: When you’re filming television series, who is your favourite male co-star?
M: Kai Wah (Lawrence Ng)
A: You’re so cheap; you just pick him because he’s a boss.
M: I didn’t know he’s a boss.
A: Which producer do you cooperate with the happiest? (all 3 of them laugh)
M: You say it first, I’ll follow you!
A: Wah! Let’s not talk about this! Which female co-star do you cooperate with the happiest?
M: Floda
F: It’s either that or Daflo!
F: You always have a problem with your voice box. Have you ever thought of not working in this industry?
M: My voice box, a little! (laughs)
A: (interrupts) Not only do you have problems with your voice box, you thought of leaving this industry when you weren’t famous. For a guy to like pork chops, guitar…
F: Pork chops?!
M: Not those kinds of pork chops, its cooking pork chops and cutting pork chops!
A: Which are you better at?
M: Cooking steaks!
A: Who do you have 忘年戀 with?
F: What’s 忘年戀?
A: It is liking a girl who is 15 years younger than he is. He’s into that kind of stuff!
M: Nothing! Nothing!
F: (to the reporter) Aren’t we supposed to ask him about what were his most memorable things about us?
M: I’ll start with Ada. There was this one time I pulled a prank on her by slapping her. She was very mad. I’ve never seen her so angry before.
A: Was I really angry?
F: Ada doesn’t get angry that easily!
M: Flora sometimes doesn’t speak to me. She’s rather moody.
F: If I don’t speak to you, that means that you’ve done something wrong!
A: It has to be that you don’t return your calls and probably not paying any attention to her when she’s speaking!
Have you ever thought of pursuing us
A: What are our good qualities? If you miss any, I’ll punch you!
M: Wait, wait, let me think! Eh…
A: Eh! Flora and I will both punch you!
M: Beautiful! Smart, clever, no matter in reality or in series, you two are really intelligent!
A: Enough! Have you thought of pursuing either one of us?
M: Wah!
A: Say no! No!
M: Of course I have. You two are very attractive women, you two are not violent, and are both gentle. How would I have not thought about it!
A: How come you didn’t come after us?
M: It’s because I don’t want to get beat up! (Seeing the 3 of them asking questions so happily, the reporter asked a question: whom would you pick to be your wife and whom would you pick to be your lover?)
M: Ada for outside and Flora for inside!
A: Wah! I’ll teach you how to answer. Neither of them for being a wife!
F: That’s a good way of answering!
M: Okay, both of them are not!
A: Both of us are lovers! We are lovers when we film together!
M: Ah, yes! (they all continue to laugh)
P.S. Do you think that Flora asked very few questions? It’s because she was responsible for listening to the answers and was laughing throughout the whole interview.
*Translated from TVB Weekly, issue 301 (2003/03/04)
*Credits to MCHALL
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