"Hi, I am Bobby Au Yeung Chun Wah, but my real name is Au Yeung Yiu Chuen. I was born on July 28, 1961. I know I am not the typical 'good-looking' main actor, but I rely on my hard work and my acting skills to be where I am now. Ha ha! When I was informed that 'Forensic Heroes' recently finished broadcasting and the last episode's ratings reached a high of 42 points, I said, 'I am 40 some years old now; the ratings for my shows must go up with my age! Ha ha!' Anyway, I don't believe awards are rigged. I believe awards are 'made' for people to win. If you work hard, there will bound to be an award made for you. This is true because I won 'Most Favourite Actor' in the year 2000 for 'Witness to a Prosecution' Ha ha! I know I am not getting younger, but my female co-stars seem to be though. It started off with Amy Chan, Esther Kwan, Jessica Hsuan, Ada Choi, and now Yoyo Mung. Who knows whom I would be paired up with next? Ha ha! Out of all of my female co-stars, I feel I am most compatible with Jessica and Yoyo. They are both very playful and fun. They don't get angry if I pull pranks on them. There was a time I didn't know there was water in Jessica's paper cup and I splashed water all over her face. When it is down to business, they are very serious and professional. In 'Forensic Heroes', there was an intense kiss scene, and Yoyo insisted on the scene to be rehearsed before the cameras rolled. It was like a warm-up kiss. Ha ha! I'm just kidding. I am very nervous when I have to film kiss scenes. I am actually more afraid than my co-star".
Representative Works: "The File of Justice I to V", Taming of the Princess", "Armed Reaction I to IV", "Witness to a Prosecution", "The Legendary Four Aces", "Take My Word for It", "A Pillow Case of Mystery", and "Forensic Heroes".
Personal Note: Yes, Bobby isn't your typical 靚仔小生. He is well-rounded and has very little hair on his head, but he is so adorable and lovable. Jessica says that he looks like Garfield the cat because his eyes always seem as though he doesn't get enough sleep. I love Bobby for his personality and his acting ability. He is hilarious, and everybody loves him. In 2000, when he was saying his speech when he won 'Most Favourite Actor', Jessica, upon returning to her seat yelled out "Bobby!" He had to stop in the middle of his acceptance speech to greet her and then continue on. It was so funny.