Monday, October 11, 2010

"No Regrets" Promotional Clip 5

Narrator: "Betraying the country, and betraying its citizens. Chaos and greed".

Elliot Yue: "You have my daughter helping the Japanese to sell opium?!"

Narrator: "Brings on big love and big affection for this lifetime".

Kara Hui: "The Japanese are inhumane!"

Sheren Tang: "Do not harm the Chinese. Otherwise, I will guarantee that you suffer worse than dying".

Narrator: "Anniversary series 'No Regrets'. October 18th @ 8:30pm".

Personal Note: Loved Sheren's last line. She said it with so much power!


  1. so excited for this drama!!! indeed i am watching this for sheren and the fact that it's produced by lee tim sing :)
    also..maybe get some history lessons :) haha though usually they fictionize a lot of the stuff ...haha

  2. To JingMui:

    The history about the Japanese part should be interesting because apparently in recent Japanese history books, the Japanese did not mention the entire invasion of China.

  3. OMG i think this must have been the best promotional clip for this serie just because of how FUCK UP sheren look at the end of this clip....OMG i sooo can't wait

  4. OMG! I am so, so damn going to watch this show and get obsessed with wayne lai again! woots!~
