Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Green Leaf - Berg Ng

Artiste Name: 吳廷燁 Ng Ting Yip
Original Name: 吳玉壽 Kwok Yuk Sau
English Name: Berg
Date of Birth: December 12, 1960
Height: 5' 11"
Many viewers might only remember Berg from the ATV series "My Date With a Vampire", but Berg Ng has been around for some time. Berg graduated from TVB's 11th Acting Class in 1982. His classmates included Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Stephen Chow, Bobby Au Yeung, Francis Ng, Eddie Kwan, Mak King Ting, Eddie Cheung, and Wilson Lam. TVB initially wanted Berg to host a variety show after graduating from the class; however, Berg rejected it due to love affair problems. For that reason, TVB gave up on Berg and did not sign him as a contracted artiste. At that time, he could only turn to ATV and sign up for their acting course. He eventually entolled in ATV's 2nd Acting Class in 1984 and officially joined ATV. After staying in ATV for almost twenty years, Berg left in 2003. Now, he stars in movies and films series in Mainland.
In his ATV days, Berg played numerous villain roles and most of them were ancient series. Unlike Derek Kwok, Berg does not know martial arts. Yet, he seems like a natural when it comes to fight scenes. He is also Tony Leung Chiu Wai's best friend. They have known each other ever since the TVB days. Whenever Tony needs a friend to talk to, Berg is the guy he spills his guts out to.
Personal Note: ATV always typecasted Berg as the villain role in series. Maybe it is because he has that evil look. I find it very surprising that he doesn't know any martial arts. He seems as though he would know some considering how many fighting series he was cast in. My favourite series of his would obviously be the MDWV series, and I also loved "Project Ji Xiang", "Ten Tigers from Guangdong", and "The Interpol".
Flora Chan's Daughter Named 'Mira'

She also revealed that her daughter's name is 'Mira'. Flora explained that the name is a combination of her husband's name (Mike) and her name (Flora).
Personal Note: Flora looks great! I hope she will get back to filming series soon.
It is kind of obvious that 'Mira' is a combination of their names. I can't believe that the reporters would ask, "Is there any special meaning to the name?" It just makes them sound so dumb. On the other hand, if they asked, "What is the meaning to the name?" I wouldn't be as rattled.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
《烈火雄心III》 "Burning Flame III" Not Confirmed
"Burning Flame III" - Wong He, Kevin Cheng, Steven Ma, Bosco Wong, Maggie Cheung, Flora Chan, Miriam Yeung, Esther Kwan, etc.) NOT CONFIRMED
TVB's classic "Burning Flame" series won in ratings and in feedback. The third installment will be a big production series for 2008 and will be filmed early next year. Wong He will continue the "Firefighter's Glory" and take on the number one male lead, alongside Kevin Cheng, Steven Ma, and Bosco Wong. Bosco was asked who will be the female lead and his response was, "There will be a surprise".
Who will be the female lead?
TVB always intended on having Maggie Cheung and Flora Chan film in series again. However, Maggie only wants to take on lighter series, and with BFIII being a big production, she is still in consideration. On the other hand, TVB has been persuading Flora to return and film after giving birth. After having a daughter, Flora's interests in taking on series are very slim. Then again, there just might be a possibility of filming the series.
Steven also revealed that after 《王子復仇記》, he will be working with Sonija Kwok in a series. Sonija Kwok said that she will be anticipating the series because she always wanted to play the role of a firefighter.
Miriam Yeung also expressed her interests in filming for TVB again. She also revealed that she may take part in BFIII. She will be playing a more comical role who is not required to be in uniform. It will be more somewhat of a relaxing role. Miriam also laughed and explained that Niki Chow might be envious of her because, in the series, she and Kevin Cheng will be a couple.
In addition, there are reliable sources indicating Esther Kwan will be participating in the third installment as well. She will be working with Wong He again.
Personal Note: If Esther is in this, then it would be awesome! But I can't see Maggie or Flora filming BFIII. There is absolutely no way Maggie is in this because she doesn't like filming sequels. I can't see Flora getting back to filming so quickly now that she has a daughter.
Also, why would TVB kill BFIII having Kevin Cheng and Sonija Kwok both in it? Well, I guess they already ran out of ideas for series since most of the series next year will be sequels.
If any of this is true, then it would be great to see Esther, Flora, and Maggie in the same series (that is not likely to happen). With Wong He in the series, he will most definitely add the fire to "Burning Flame III". :)
*Chinese article from Miriam Yeung's discussion forum
TVB's classic "Burning Flame" series won in ratings and in feedback. The third installment will be a big production series for 2008 and will be filmed early next year. Wong He will continue the "Firefighter's Glory" and take on the number one male lead, alongside Kevin Cheng, Steven Ma, and Bosco Wong. Bosco was asked who will be the female lead and his response was, "There will be a surprise".
Who will be the female lead?
TVB always intended on having Maggie Cheung and Flora Chan film in series again. However, Maggie only wants to take on lighter series, and with BFIII being a big production, she is still in consideration. On the other hand, TVB has been persuading Flora to return and film after giving birth. After having a daughter, Flora's interests in taking on series are very slim. Then again, there just might be a possibility of filming the series.
Steven also revealed that after 《王子復仇記》, he will be working with Sonija Kwok in a series. Sonija Kwok said that she will be anticipating the series because she always wanted to play the role of a firefighter.
Miriam Yeung also expressed her interests in filming for TVB again. She also revealed that she may take part in BFIII. She will be playing a more comical role who is not required to be in uniform. It will be more somewhat of a relaxing role. Miriam also laughed and explained that Niki Chow might be envious of her because, in the series, she and Kevin Cheng will be a couple.
In addition, there are reliable sources indicating Esther Kwan will be participating in the third installment as well. She will be working with Wong He again.
Personal Note: If Esther is in this, then it would be awesome! But I can't see Maggie or Flora filming BFIII. There is absolutely no way Maggie is in this because she doesn't like filming sequels. I can't see Flora getting back to filming so quickly now that she has a daughter.
Also, why would TVB kill BFIII having Kevin Cheng and Sonija Kwok both in it? Well, I guess they already ran out of ideas for series since most of the series next year will be sequels.
If any of this is true, then it would be great to see Esther, Flora, and Maggie in the same series (that is not likely to happen). With Wong He in the series, he will most definitely add the fire to "Burning Flame III". :)
*Chinese article from Miriam Yeung's discussion forum
Friday, November 23, 2007
"The Ultimate Crime Fighter" on "E-Buzz"
"The Ultimate Crime Fighter" cast members Yoyo Mung, Moses Chan, Gigi Lai, and Kevin Cheng discuss the series on this episode of "E-Buzz".
Thursday, November 22, 2007
*Credits to the-sun
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Bobby 雖敗猶榮
旨在表揚美國以外地區出色電視作品的第35屆國際艾美獎(簡稱IMA),昨日在紐約公布得獎名單,歐陽震華(Bobby)憑TVB劇集《賭場風雲》首次入 圍最佳男主角,結果影帝寶座被英國劇集The Street老牌影星占伯班特(Jim Broadbent)及荷蘭劇集The Chosen One男星皮亞波瑪(Pierre Bokma)平分,Bobby雖然未能為港爭光,但輸給占伯班特這位奧斯卡最佳男配角兼威尼斯影帝手下,總算雖敗猶榮。
現年58歲的英國男星占伯班特,早在1999年憑Topsy-Turvy贏得威尼斯影帝,02年《愛莉思的情書》讓他捧走金像獎最佳男配角,在英國老家更 是家傳戶曉的明星,去年便以電視劇Longford榮膺有「英國奧斯卡」之稱的BAFTA影帝殊榮;皮亞波瑪亦不遑多讓,先後兩度登上荷蘭電影節的最佳男 主角,來頭絕對不小。
今年國際艾美獎可謂英國電視劇的天下,囊括8項大獎,包括占伯班特主演的The Street連奪最佳劇集及男主角、Little Britain Abroad奪得最佳喜劇、以刺殺美國總統布殊為題材的爭議性作品Death of a President更贏得最佳電視電影/迷你系列,成為今屆大贏家。
前美國副總統兼諾貝爾和平獎得主戈爾(Al Gore)獲頒最高榮譽創辦人大獎,表揚他創立Current TV電視台的貢獻,對於這個由觀眾提供內容的「民主式頻道」,他說將可改變電視甚至互聯網的生態;大會為了隆重其事,更請來金像影帝羅拔狄尼路 (Robert De Niro)負責頒獎。
歐陽震華(Bobby)在賽前已表示能打入五強已是很大鼓勵,他跟太太及經理人出席頒獎禮抱參與國際盛事觀摩心態;雖最後落敗了,他也表示不失望。令 Bobby感可惜的,可能是未能以最佳狀態行紅地氈,為在港連日趕劇已感身體不適,抵美國後他更患感冒,皮膚乾燥甚至令他變了「紅鼻子」十分搞笑。今次也 是請假往參加頒獎禮,他又急籲回港繼續為《法證II》。
Bobby是次獲Versace贊助他和太太的服裝,而Bvlgari則贊助二人的鑽飾,不過因贊助服裝的質料太薄,當地天氣寒冷他又怕冷,所以自己花錢 購買Gucci的踢死兔穿上,可是他仍是被冷到鼻子發紅。在出發前,他因進入五強已獲頒優異獎,他特地戴上獎牌出席。
至於吳卓羲、阮兆祥、陳豪與張家輝等好友知道賽果後,異口同聲力撐Bobby已為港爭光,張家輝說:「雖然係輸,但其實叫贏,因為從來都冇(香港)人入到 五強,所以已經好值得開心,不過佢要多謝我唔拍劇先有機會咋!」出爐本土雙料視帝陳豪則說:「今次Bobby已經衝出香港,成為香港第一人,o係我心目中 已經贏o左!佢會係我o既努力o既目標,好期待同佢可以再合作拍劇。」而吳卓羲與阮兆祥均表示已當Bobby贏出,引以為傲,宣萱更笑說會畢生難忘。而不 少網友均表示Bobby殺入五強已經很厲害,就算得不到獎也會是觀眾心中「視帝」中的「視帝」。
Personal Note: Although Bobby did not win the Emmy for 'Best Actor', he is still the best! He is the first artiste from HK to make it into the final 5 nominees. For that reason only, Bobby has already won.
For making it into the final 5, Bobby received a gold medal that was made in Italy. Due to the non-stop filming in HK, the cold weather in New York, plus his dry skin, Bobby ended up catching the flu. Thus, Bobby had to walk down the red carpet with a red nose.
*Credits to mingpao, takungpao, and the sun
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
TV Awards Presentation 2007
Part 1
Part 2
Best Actor - Moses Chan (Heart of Greed)
Best Actress - Louise Lee Sei Kei (Heart of Greed)
Best Supporting Actor - Louis Yuen (Heart of Greed)
Best Supporting Actress - Fala Chen (Steps)
My Favourite Male TV Character - Moses Chan (Heart of Greed)
My Favourite Female TV Character - Susanna Kwan (Heart of Greed)
Mainland's Most Favourite Male Artiste - Raymond Lam
Mainland's Most Favourite Female Artiste - Gigi Lai
Most Improved Male Artiste - Amigo Choi
Most Improved Female Artiste - Kate Tsui
Best Series - "Heart of Greed"
Best Host(s) - Harlem Yu & Patrick Tang "Foodie 2 Shoes"
Best Variety Show - "On the Road"
Best Creativity Programme - "Foodie 2 Shoes"
Most Admirable Production - "Ten Years After"
Best Promotional Clip - "The Drive of Life"
Lifetime Achievement Award - Lydia Shum
The results for the anniversary were predictable. The biggest upset would have to be the 'Best Supporting' winners. Although Cheung Jai's (Louis Yuen) performance in "Heart of Greed" received praises, Benz Hui should have won. There are two possibilities why he did not win. One, he was not present for the award presentation. Two, TVB wants to promote "Heart of Greed II" for next year.
As for the female supporting award, Fala is the biggest disappointment!!!! It is even worse than Shirley winning it last year. Shirley at least entered the business longer. She sounds like a Mainland village girl when she speaks. Fala is terrible! Stupid TVB manager Stephen Chan is just promoting her. Actually, most of the winners who did not deserve to win are being promoted by him. Amigo, Patrick, and Fala are his beloved artistes.
Moses won!!! The only reason why TVB gave Moses both 'Best Actor' and ' My Favourite Male TV Character' is because they want to rank Moses higher than Kevin Cheng. It would have been great if Bobby had won 'My Favourite Male TV Character', but he is going for the Emmy. Good luck, Bobby!!!!
*Credits to mingpao, the sun, and
Part 2
Best Actor - Moses Chan (Heart of Greed)
Best Actress - Louise Lee Sei Kei (Heart of Greed)
Best Supporting Actor - Louis Yuen (Heart of Greed)
Best Supporting Actress - Fala Chen (Steps)
My Favourite Male TV Character - Moses Chan (Heart of Greed)
My Favourite Female TV Character - Susanna Kwan (Heart of Greed)
Mainland's Most Favourite Male Artiste - Raymond Lam
Mainland's Most Favourite Female Artiste - Gigi Lai
Most Improved Male Artiste - Amigo Choi
Most Improved Female Artiste - Kate Tsui
Best Series - "Heart of Greed"
Best Host(s) - Harlem Yu & Patrick Tang "Foodie 2 Shoes"
Best Variety Show - "On the Road"
Best Creativity Programme - "Foodie 2 Shoes"
Most Admirable Production - "Ten Years After"
Best Promotional Clip - "The Drive of Life"
Lifetime Achievement Award - Lydia Shum
The results for the anniversary were predictable. The biggest upset would have to be the 'Best Supporting' winners. Although Cheung Jai's (Louis Yuen) performance in "Heart of Greed" received praises, Benz Hui should have won. There are two possibilities why he did not win. One, he was not present for the award presentation. Two, TVB wants to promote "Heart of Greed II" for next year.
As for the female supporting award, Fala is the biggest disappointment!!!! It is even worse than Shirley winning it last year. Shirley at least entered the business longer. She sounds like a Mainland village girl when she speaks. Fala is terrible! Stupid TVB manager Stephen Chan is just promoting her. Actually, most of the winners who did not deserve to win are being promoted by him. Amigo, Patrick, and Fala are his beloved artistes.
Moses won!!! The only reason why TVB gave Moses both 'Best Actor' and ' My Favourite Male TV Character' is because they want to rank Moses higher than Kevin Cheng. It would have been great if Bobby had won 'My Favourite Male TV Character', but he is going for the Emmy. Good luck, Bobby!!!!
*Credits to mingpao, the sun, and
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