"A Cow's World of Fantasy", as the name suggests, hopes to bring different music styles and tunes and achieve the "Miracle World" effect for music lovers to listen to. The song style in the album is much enriched, and Andy has attempted many different rhymes and themes. For example, the fresh and interesting "Most Popular Male Singer" (track 3), and in the song "One" (track 4), the beginning lyric starts with "One".
His only Cantonese plugged song in this album, "Only Want to Hug" (track 12) is Andy's newest green tea commercial song. The melody allows people to listen to the gentle innermost feeling of the song. The song "Most Popular Male Singer" plays greatly on Hong Kong's year-end musical award presentations. Eric Tsang's special voice appearance brings an extremely rich entertainment effect to the song. The lyrics in the song are very straightforward: "Most popular male singer, is it me or is it you, how can it be him" and "Dressed up so attractively, but sat for the whole evening". The song "Shepherd's Flute" (track 5) is a romantic composition inspired by the folk tale "Cowherd and Weaving Girl" (牛郎職女). The melody is smooth and pleasing to the ear. Other songs like "Does Not Snow in Winter", "I Am a Cow", and "Unreliable Is Also Unreliable" are also worth a listen.
劉德華 《一隻牛的異想世界》
Track List:
01. Command
02. 超人 Superman
03. 最受歡迎男歌手 Most Popular Male Singer
04. 一 One
05. 牧笛 Shepherd's Flute
06. 歸宿 Permanent Home
07. 冬季不下雪 Does Not Snow in Winter
08. 玄之又玄 Unreliable Is Also Unreliable
09. 我是一隻牛 I Am a Cow
10. 繭人 Cocoon Person
11. 壹塊錢 One Dollar
12. 只想抱抱 Only Want to Hug
My rating: 9/10
I believe this is a much better album than his previous Mandarin release, 《All About Love》. In the past, Andy has tried rap-style songs, and they were not successful; however, there is a surprise in this album. Andy can do styles other than love ballads. "One" is a very nice R&B song, and it is very easy-listening. All the songs are worthy of listening to. There is no other; Andy Lau is Andy Lau!
"Shepherd's Flute" MV
"One" MV
*Credits to sake5899
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