Tuesday, August 28, 2007

點解/Why...TVB??? (II)

TVB黐線㗎! 點解永遠開續集一定要CUT某一個重要演員因為他忙緊拍另一部劇﹖


呢d答案好簡單﹐同上次嘅一樣﹐因為TVB IS STUPID!

Stupid TVB always does this! Whenever there is a sequel and if one of the important characters in the prequel is busy filming another series, they will most definitely kill that role off and add new cast members to the show. Just like Ada Choi in "Healing Hands II" and Fiona Sit in the sequel of "The Academy". I don't know why TVB would do this because Leung Siu Yau (Yoyo's character name) was famous in FH. You know TVB just wants to kill Siu Yau Madam because they want to make Charmaine Sheh the female lead. Also, why would last year's so-called "Best Actor and Actress" not have their own series but rather "leech" off Bobby? This is an easy one because you know Kevin Cheng cannot handle the title of "Best Actor" because he is emotionless and cannot act.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bobby Nominated for 'Best Actor' at 「International Emmy Awards」

Bobby Au Yeung and Charmaine Sheh are both nominated at the 「International Emmy Awards」 for 'Best Actor' and 'Best Actress'. The 「International Emmy Awards」 is television's highest honour. The participants come from areas beyond the US, including places such as Asia and Africa, Latin America, Europe, etc.

Bobby knew a couple months beforehand that TVB would submit his role in "A Dicey Business" for 'Best Actor'. He was informed yesterday that he made it in as a nominee. Bobby says that he is very happy to know that he is nominated since it is an international grand occasion. He also says that he is satisfied with his performance in "A Dicey Business" because, not only is the character funny, but he also has a lot of sentimental scenes. When the series aired, many of his friends praised him for his acting, especially his crying scenes, as it is a different aspect from his comedy skills.

The 「International Emmy Awards」 will be held on November 19th, 2007 (American Time); therefore, Bobby is in a dilemma because it also falls on the day of TVB's anniversary. He wants to go to the award ceremony no matter win or lose, but does not want to be absent for TVB's anniversary. At this point, he can only inform TVB and wait for their notice.


歐陽震華(Bobby)憑《賭場風雲》入圍角逐「第35屆國際艾美獎」的最佳男主角獎項,而佘詩曼則以《火舞黃沙》競逐最佳女主角獎項;是次無線首次派代 表參與競逐「國際艾美獎」,演員方面只提名了Bobby與阿佘,他們亦不負眾望爭得入圍的機會。Bobby於2000年憑《洗冤錄》獲無線的視帝榮譽,今 次他衝出香港進軍國際,有六分之一機會成為「國際艾美獎」的最佳男主角。

「國際艾美獎」(International Emmy Award)是國際電視界的最高榮譽,由美國國際電視學會主辦,參賽者來自美國以外的地區,包括亞非、拉丁美洲、歐洲等地。於05年舉行的第33屆國際艾 美獎由中國女演員何琳憑《為奴隸的母親》獲最佳女主角獎。

撞正台慶 左右為難

Bobby早幾個月前獲知無線以他主演的《賭場風雲》報名角逐「國際艾美獎」的最佳男主角,日前才獲通知他已入圍,至於另外5名對手是誰他也不清楚,故談 不上信心。 他說其實有份入圍已很開心,這是國際盛事。他稱《賭場風雲》是他滿意的演出,因為此劇的角色不單是搞笑,還有很多感情戲。播映時朋友對他的演出也讚好,特 別是他拍的哭戲,是搞笑以外的另一面,為他省靚招牌,要是今次能獲獎項更為無線省招牌。



除了Bobby與佘詩曼入圍男女主角獎項,無線新聞部節目《星期日檔案——請你幫忙撒個謊》亦入圍競逐「國際艾美獎」的新聞及公共事務獎項,對手包括英 國、巴西與俄羅斯的節目。《請你幫忙撒個謊》是有關一個長春小女孩欣月患腦腫瘤導至失明,她心願到天安門廣場,但健康問題不能遠行,熱心的人給她安排了翻 版「天安門廣場」的升旗禮幫助圓夢。無線外事部助理總監曾醒明稱無線首次參與「國際艾美獎」並有作品入圍,證明無線的製作有國際水準。

Personal Note: Congratulations to Bobby and Charmaine for making it into the nominations for IEA! Bobby won TVB's 'Favourite Actor' in the year 2000 for "Witness to a Prosecution". Now, it is time to break out into international waters and win IEA's 'Best Actor'!!! That's a way better title than TVB's award. I'm rooting for Bobby! Bobby win! Go, Bobby!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Bobby = "Three King"

The first week of "Fathers and Sons" averaged 31 points and reached a high of 38 points...looks as though Bobby Au Yeung is indeed the "Lucky General" for ratings.

Not only is Bobby the "Lucky General", he is also the "Three King". First, there is the "King of Comedy": his comedy is well-liked by the audience, and he does not exaggerate. Second of all, he is the "King of Ratings": a 'Bobby' series will always receive high rating points and positive feedback. Thirdly, Bobby is the "King of Sequels".

Bobby will be battling Dicky Cheung's 《盜海奇兵》 (Project A), which will be airing tonight on ATV. Bobby is used to fight battles because "A Pillow Case of Mystery" was aired to save poor ratings, "Forensic Heroes" to fight the World Cup, and "A Dicey Business" to battle ATV's "No Turning Back". There is nothing Bobby cannot do. Bobby is the best "Siu Sang"!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


bud 004tvbudtvbuddy1tvbuddy2tvbuddy3tvbuddy4

TVBuddy is TVB's -D cartoon character which came from the year 2107; its purpose is to help promote TVB. TVBuddy made its first appearance in CNY's promotional clip; however, it was not released until March 9, 2007. TVBuddy is designed very simply; its head is TVB's logo with two antennas coming out from the top. The designer explained that it only took fifteen minutes to come up with TVBuddy. Since TVB is a well-known and familiar brand in HK, the designer wanted to bring a kind feeling to the audience and used TVB's logo as a big factor.

TVBuddy's Design: The white body equals easily approachable. The chubbiness of the character gives a cute and adorable feeling. TVBuddy's changeable personality equals always changing.

TVBuddy's Mission: To bring happiness to everybody, help TVB introduce new shows and new series, explain HD television's developing process, and will hold an important role in promoting Beijing's 2008 Olympics.

TVBuddy's Personality: Just like TVB, always moving forward. Very impulsive, has rich creativity, and is extremely optimistic.

TVBuddy Theme Song - TVbeople's Stanley Cheung 張景淳

TVBuddy Theme Song Olympics Remix

*Credits to tvb and youtube

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

"So You Think You Can Dance" - Sabra and Neil

Sabra and Neil dance a jazz routine choreographed by Mandy Moore.

"Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)"

Sabra and Neil dance a paso doble routine choreographed by Tony Meredith and Melanie LaPatin.

"España Cañí"

Monday, August 6, 2007

《爸爸閉翳》 "Fathers and Sons"


Man Tin Chi
Age: around 40 years old

He is a superior model with a high-salary career and expects high quality in life. As a market survey manager, he handles matters smartly and can solve all social situations facing the customers. He is worthy of the reputation "The Price Expert": from car surround sound to condoms and tampons, he knows its type, quality, and the price just like A to Z. He believes value is to its highest boundary and in order for "resources to be well-used", the product must be superior. Just like a value authority, people jokingly refer to him as "Mr. Man".

Ko Ching
Age: around 35 years old

He is a filial piety model father. He is known as 「茶煲爹o地」. He is a good guy and a good father, but is not a good employee.

Ko Chi Tim
Age: around 57 or 58 years old

He is not a well-educated man but is full of life experiences. He acknowledges life from making noodles. He believes, "Everything has two sides to it, regardless if it is positive or negative. If you are hungry, you must eat noodles. Only a full stomach can deal with positive and negative, so as long as it is dealt appropriately, negative can change to be positive". Whatever he does, he makes an effort. He also has a saying that goes, "You'll know one day!"

Kam Mei Juen
Age: almost 30 years old

As a supermarket service manager, her life's motto is, "The customer is supreme service comes first, the price of the product has to be cheap, very cheap". She is often jokingly called, "Mrs. Cheap"; however, in front of others, they call her "Miss A". She is strict and has high expectations in all matters. She cannot accommodate any wrongdoings.

Law Sei Hei
Age: around 25 or 26 years old

Nicknamed 「阿四」, she works diligently and quickly and never says "No". She will always help a friend out only for mutual benefits. When her friends travel, they will collect local high-quality goods and allow her to auction them off online. She is cute, fluent, and clever and has 「順晒!」as a saying.

Man Yu Hang
Age: around 8 years old

He is introverted, delicate, and sensitive. He communicates badly with people, especially in a strange place like HK. In front of his strange father, he becomes pitiful, timid and silent and will quietly observe him.

Ko Pui Pui
Age: around 7 or 8 years old

She is Ko Ching's "small treasure" daughter. She is sweet and delightful. She is smart, filial, energetic, and knows how to make others happy.


「有樣學樣,一家人嘛!」以身作則教育下一代,是父母的基本重任。不過父母都有自己的煩惱及難處,要成為一個好爸爸,是一門大學問。《爸爸閉翳》藉籲三個 來自不同階層的「廿四孝」父親,道出為人父的苦與樂,透視親情的無價。充滿喜劇細胞的夏雨、歐陽震華、王喜,以輕鬆手法,表達父親在社會上如何面對事業、 家庭及子女等問題,各有「閉翳」、各有煩惱!夏雨與王喜飾演父子高志添及高青,因高青小時候目睹父親輸掉開茶餐廳的十萬元,兼且拋下妻兒到澳門,留下不愉快的陰影,父子關係疏離。高志添晚年回流香 港,極力修補父子關係,可惜事與願違。高青與程若詩(譚小環飾)婚後育有一女高貝貝(羅芷晴飾),高青因童年缺乏父愛,將全副心力放在貝貝身上,卻忽略太 太,導致離婚收場。


歐陽震華飾演鑽石王老五閔天賜,他自幼被父親拋棄,幸得高志添接濟,但他對生兒育女極度抗拒,享受自由自在生活。沒想到有日前妻母親安娜(白茵飾)帶籲自 稱是他兒子的宇恆(王樹熹飾)來投靠,粉碎他提早退休的優皮美夢。這個「生手阿爸」頓時變得目瞪口呆,幸得鬥氣好友金美鑽(蒙嘉慧飾)從旁處處度計,兩人 由冤家發展出曖昧關係。


戲中兩位童星王樹熹與羅芷晴的精靈演出令人期待,王樹熹演的宇恆與歐陽震華(波比)樣子都圓碌碌,有點父子相。初時宇恆對父親表現戰戰兢兢,後來慢慢熟落 才培養出父子情,並變得堅強起來。羅芷晴演的貝貝初時因父母離異造成困擾,但她終能堅強接受現實,反過來安慰高青,是大家眼中的好女兒。

*Credits to tvb.com and mingpao