最近無線找來馬國明與她組「定明檔」,一起主持中秋特備節目。原來胡定欣於電視劇《衝上雲霄》已認識他,但從沒對手戲,兩人最近被公司撮合一起,最初她也 擔心大家是否合襯,想不到又出奇地夾得來。馬國明亦想不到和胡定欣成為熒幕上的「最佳拍檔」,除中秋特輯外,公司還安排他們主持無線收費台一個烹飪節目, 又給他們主持特備遊戲節目。
Personal Note: TVB wants to make Kenneth Ma and Nancy Wu into a duo and pair them up at events, game shows, and TV series due to their great chemistry shown on a recent Moon Festival show. That's wonderful news for Kenneth fans because some of them wanted them to pair up ever since "Triumph in the Skies". Too bad they didn't have any screen time together in there. TVB will also arrange for the pair to host a cooking program on Pay Vision channel. I've noticed that Ming Pao usually has more news on Kenneth. I think they publish more on Kenneth because they love him. Ha ha!
*Credits to mingpao
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