"Forensic Heroes IV" Promotional Clip 1
"Forensic Heroes IV" Promotional Clip 2
"Forensic Heroes IV" Promotional Clip 3
"Forensic Heroes IV" Promotional Clip 4
"Forensic Heroes IV" Promotional Clip 5
"Forensic Heroes IV" Promotional Clip 6
"Forensic Heroes IV" Promotional Clip 7
"Forensic Heroes IV" Promotional Clip 8
"Forensic Heroes IV" Promotional Clip 9
"Forensic Heroes IV" Promotional Clip 10
"Forensic Heroes IV" Promotional Clip 11
"Forensic Heroes IV" AOD Trailer
The Making of "Forensic Heroes IV" Promotional Clip
Related post: 《法證先鋒IV》 "Forensic Heroes IV" Costume Fitting
*Credits to tvb, alice_chan_fanpage_hk, and 柒_酱_吖
Thursday, January 30, 2020
"The Dripping Sauce" Theme Song MV (Full Version)
Drama Version
"Timeless" - Kayee Tam
真心不變 《大醬園》 主題曲 - 譚嘉儀
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/朱俊傑
甜酸 亦是尋常韻味
愁苦 當中也未逃避
曾經 暫別無論隔天與地
暖的心 可拉近着距離
*情感 淡淡仍然細膩
餘香 好等以後回味
時光 釀造成熟各種秘技
每雙手 改寫命數轉機
#時代變 真心真意不變
樂與悲 經得起這考驗
滴水多渺小 全憑這信念
頑石有 給它穿透一天
人在變 一些感覺不變
共並肩 辛苦都算經驗
萬千小雨點 亮似星飛閃
凝聚了 比千尺浪滔天 (長路裏 多得你在身邊)#*
明早 落日如常升起
愁苦 當中夾雜甜味
曾經 踏盡無限遠天厚地
你身邊 始終我落腳地
Repeat *(#)
Related post: "The Dripping Sauce" Theme Song MV Preview
*Credits to 星夢娛樂, TVBent, and LovingTBB
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
"Lo and Behold"'s Strongest Boy Band, 'Kam Sing On' Raps Like a Pro
The hit series "Lo and Behold" is on every night, and the main actors are really well-received. 'Kam Sing On' Chow Ka Lok even won 'Best Supporting Actor' earlier; his popularily is indeed incredible. Although filming for the series has increased, the actors have their own things, such as 'George' Aaryn Cheung, who has a love for singing. He himself has never given up on singing, as he does recordings, shoots videos, and puts them on the Internet in his free time. For his latest video, he even got 'Kam Sing On' and 'Chi Chi Hau' Hero Yuen to sing 《上善若水》 together to encourage Hong Kong people. Coincidentally, it is a pun on the names of 'Kam Sing On''s mother, 'Hung Seung Sin' Joyce Tang, and aunt, 'Hung Yeuk Sui' Koni Lui.
Among them, Chow Ka Lok and Hero were incredible, as they were responsible for rapping. Chow Ka Lok was wearing a cap and rapping with a stern look, while Hero was focused on the hip hop hand gestures. Aaryn, who is the best singer among the three of them, was certainly responsible for being the main vocal singing the hook. This time, 'Lo''s strongest boy band is certainly them; later, another group of female fans will be gained!
上善若水 《乜代宗師》 主題曲 - 張明偉/周嘉洛/阮政峰
作曲: C君
填詞: 農夫
*張:如果 有高低有光輝有式微
上善若水 攀山過嶺
乜水 都可以 係宗師
My friend
張/阮:如水 結冰川去滄海去桑田
上善若水 覆舟載艇
乜水 都可以 係宗師
My friend
周:My friend 我離開咗個井
成為水 我可以穿州過城
我拆散 自己過框 過幾個關 轉幾個灣
就算係順流 逆流
上流下遊 宇宙嘅盡頭
冇人可以左右 覆水難收
守 嘅時候可以細水長流
到我攻 有如洪水猛獸大浪冚過頭
流水淙淙 來去匆匆
無邊 無際 無偏見 無介蒂
有乜嘢問題都冇問題 我請你好好放低
最強嘅武功 上善若水嘅心胸
正面進攻 水洩不通 我就劍走偏鋒
無最巔峰 一杯水斟一半 唔會自滿
不停去轉 不停去變
不停去鑽研 不停去轉變
山長水遠 連綿不斷
源遠流傳 海納百川
Repeat *
張/周:如水 結冰川去滄海去桑田
上善若水 覆舟載艇
乜水 都可以 係宗師
My friend
阮:舉頭 望望 茫茫 宇宙
水流 到最後又流返返去源頭
上善若水 各路英雄選手
上乘嘅武功 又駛乜嘢用拳頭
唔打 都分得出高下 要打 亦從來唔怕
可以巨浪淘沙 或者變流水送落花
明鏡止水嘅清晰 古老江河嘅經歷
滴水穿石嘅努力 化做從容不迫嘅一招一式
從來冇無敵人 只因無敵
冇色 冇味 冇形式 無忌
變成冰 變成氣 變成兵器
變做甘露 嚐一口
拂一拂衣袖 留一手
哼一首 水調歌頭
一出手 化敵為友
Repeat *
合:如水 結冰川去滄海去桑田
上善若水 覆舟載艇
乜水 都可以 係宗師
My friend
上善若水 《乜代宗師》 主題曲 - 黃子華/農夫
作曲: C君
填詞: 農夫
編曲: C君/咖啡因公園
監製: C君/Randy Chow
*農:如果 有高低有光輝有式微
上善若水 攀山過嶺
乜水 都可以 係宗師
My friend
如水 結冰川去滄海去桑田
上善若水 覆舟載艇
乜水 都可以 係宗師
My friend
黃:My friend 我離開咗個井
成為水 我可以穿州過城
我拆散 自己過框 過幾個關 轉幾個灣
就算係順流 逆流
上流下遊 宇宙嘅盡頭
冇人可以左右 覆水難收
守 嘅時候可以細水長流
到我攻 有如洪水猛獸大浪冚過頭
流水淙淙 來去匆匆
無邊 無際 無偏見 無介蒂
有乜嘢問題都冇問題 我請你好好放低
最強嘅武功 上善若水嘅心胸
正面進攻 水洩不通 我就劍走偏鋒
無最巔峰 一杯水斟一半 唔會自滿
不停去轉 不停去變
不停去鑽研 不停去轉變
山長水遠 連綿不斷
源遠流傳 海納百川
Repeat *
黃:舉頭 望望 茫茫 宇宙
水流 到最後又流返返去源頭
上善若水 各路英雄選手
上乘嘅武功 又駛乜嘢用拳頭
唔打 都分得出高下 要打 亦從來唔怕
可以巨浪淘沙 或者變流水送落花
明鏡止水嘅清晰 古老江河嘅經歷
滴水穿石嘅努力 化做從容不迫嘅一招一式
從來冇無敵人 只因無敵
冇色 冇味 冇形式 無忌
變成冰 變成氣 變成兵器
變做甘露 嚐一口
拂一拂衣袖 留一手
哼一首 水調歌頭
一出手 化敵為友
Repeat *
*Credits to on.cc, Aaryn Cheung, and GoldenSceneHK
The hit series "Lo and Behold" is on every night, and the main actors are really well-received. 'Kam Sing On' Chow Ka Lok even won 'Best Supporting Actor' earlier; his popularily is indeed incredible. Although filming for the series has increased, the actors have their own things, such as 'George' Aaryn Cheung, who has a love for singing. He himself has never given up on singing, as he does recordings, shoots videos, and puts them on the Internet in his free time. For his latest video, he even got 'Kam Sing On' and 'Chi Chi Hau' Hero Yuen to sing 《上善若水》 together to encourage Hong Kong people. Coincidentally, it is a pun on the names of 'Kam Sing On''s mother, 'Hung Seung Sin' Joyce Tang, and aunt, 'Hung Yeuk Sui' Koni Lui.
Among them, Chow Ka Lok and Hero were incredible, as they were responsible for rapping. Chow Ka Lok was wearing a cap and rapping with a stern look, while Hero was focused on the hip hop hand gestures. Aaryn, who is the best singer among the three of them, was certainly responsible for being the main vocal singing the hook. This time, 'Lo''s strongest boy band is certainly them; later, another group of female fans will be gained!
上善若水 《乜代宗師》 主題曲 - 張明偉/周嘉洛/阮政峰
作曲: C君
填詞: 農夫
*張:如果 有高低有光輝有式微
上善若水 攀山過嶺
乜水 都可以 係宗師
My friend
張/阮:如水 結冰川去滄海去桑田
上善若水 覆舟載艇
乜水 都可以 係宗師
My friend
周:My friend 我離開咗個井
成為水 我可以穿州過城
我拆散 自己過框 過幾個關 轉幾個灣
就算係順流 逆流
上流下遊 宇宙嘅盡頭
冇人可以左右 覆水難收
守 嘅時候可以細水長流
到我攻 有如洪水猛獸大浪冚過頭
流水淙淙 來去匆匆
無邊 無際 無偏見 無介蒂
有乜嘢問題都冇問題 我請你好好放低
最強嘅武功 上善若水嘅心胸
正面進攻 水洩不通 我就劍走偏鋒
無最巔峰 一杯水斟一半 唔會自滿
不停去轉 不停去變
不停去鑽研 不停去轉變
山長水遠 連綿不斷
源遠流傳 海納百川
Repeat *
張/周:如水 結冰川去滄海去桑田
上善若水 覆舟載艇
乜水 都可以 係宗師
My friend
阮:舉頭 望望 茫茫 宇宙
水流 到最後又流返返去源頭
上善若水 各路英雄選手
上乘嘅武功 又駛乜嘢用拳頭
唔打 都分得出高下 要打 亦從來唔怕
可以巨浪淘沙 或者變流水送落花
明鏡止水嘅清晰 古老江河嘅經歷
滴水穿石嘅努力 化做從容不迫嘅一招一式
從來冇無敵人 只因無敵
冇色 冇味 冇形式 無忌
變成冰 變成氣 變成兵器
變做甘露 嚐一口
拂一拂衣袖 留一手
哼一首 水調歌頭
一出手 化敵為友
Repeat *
合:如水 結冰川去滄海去桑田
上善若水 覆舟載艇
乜水 都可以 係宗師
My friend
上善若水 《乜代宗師》 主題曲 - 黃子華/農夫
作曲: C君
填詞: 農夫
編曲: C君/咖啡因公園
監製: C君/Randy Chow
*農:如果 有高低有光輝有式微
上善若水 攀山過嶺
乜水 都可以 係宗師
My friend
如水 結冰川去滄海去桑田
上善若水 覆舟載艇
乜水 都可以 係宗師
My friend
黃:My friend 我離開咗個井
成為水 我可以穿州過城
我拆散 自己過框 過幾個關 轉幾個灣
就算係順流 逆流
上流下遊 宇宙嘅盡頭
冇人可以左右 覆水難收
守 嘅時候可以細水長流
到我攻 有如洪水猛獸大浪冚過頭
流水淙淙 來去匆匆
無邊 無際 無偏見 無介蒂
有乜嘢問題都冇問題 我請你好好放低
最強嘅武功 上善若水嘅心胸
正面進攻 水洩不通 我就劍走偏鋒
無最巔峰 一杯水斟一半 唔會自滿
不停去轉 不停去變
不停去鑽研 不停去轉變
山長水遠 連綿不斷
源遠流傳 海納百川
Repeat *
黃:舉頭 望望 茫茫 宇宙
水流 到最後又流返返去源頭
上善若水 各路英雄選手
上乘嘅武功 又駛乜嘢用拳頭
唔打 都分得出高下 要打 亦從來唔怕
可以巨浪淘沙 或者變流水送落花
明鏡止水嘅清晰 古老江河嘅經歷
滴水穿石嘅努力 化做從容不迫嘅一招一式
從來冇無敵人 只因無敵
冇色 冇味 冇形式 無忌
變成冰 變成氣 變成兵器
變做甘露 嚐一口
拂一拂衣袖 留一手
哼一首 水調歌頭
一出手 化敵為友
Repeat *
*Credits to on.cc, Aaryn Cheung, and GoldenSceneHK
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
"Big White Duel" Confirmed for a Sequel
Kenneth Ma won the 'Best Actor' award at "TV Awards Presentation 2019" for "Big White Duel", and this series also won 'Best Series'. As a 'TV King', Kenneth treated everyone to dinner to celebrate. He laughingly said, "I am treating tonight. Saw that there was not a lot of people", so I treated first. Let Roger [Kwok] to handle the incredible things. Everyone had a hard time shooting, so there should be recognition. Today, Catherine [Tsang] also announced the good news that a sequel will be filmed...really very happy. (Do you know if it is the original lineup?) Should be the original lineup, plus the addition of some new characters. The story will be continuing on".
Kenneth is guessing that the sequel will be filmed at the end of the year: "The previous installment was so successful because the research was well-done, so the sequel needs more time to prepare. Have to write a good script before filming...don't want to have any regrets. (Since the first installment had such good results, would there be pressure?) No pressure. Work hard to make it good. Okay as long as [we] do [our] best. Hope that viewers like it and support it". Asked if he would be increasing his fee after becoming 'TV King', he said, "My fee is cheap. The Hong Kong economy is so-so. I want more people to look for me for work. Also have a lot of work on hand this Lunar New Year. Doing shows abroad...very good". Although he is already 'TV King', he feels that it does not represent anything; [he] also has to continue to work hard: "I really like playing soccer. Like the Premier League, having a good result this season does not mean that the next season will be as good, so I need to continue to do my best". As for the matter of romance, he said that he is leaving it to fate.
*Credits to TVBUSAofficial, on.cc, mingpao, eastweek, hk01, am730, bastilleent, moreforms, and youku
"Extra" Clip
J2 Clip
"Scoop" Clip
ontv Clip
Ming Pao Clip
East Week Clip
hk01 Clip
am730 Clip
HotTV Clip
More Forms Clip
More Forms Clip
More Forms Clip
More Forms Clip
Youku Clip
Kenneth Ma won the 'Best Actor' award at "TV Awards Presentation 2019" for "Big White Duel", and this series also won 'Best Series'. As a 'TV King', Kenneth treated everyone to dinner to celebrate. He laughingly said, "I am treating tonight. Saw that there was not a lot of people", so I treated first. Let Roger [Kwok] to handle the incredible things. Everyone had a hard time shooting, so there should be recognition. Today, Catherine [Tsang] also announced the good news that a sequel will be filmed...really very happy. (Do you know if it is the original lineup?) Should be the original lineup, plus the addition of some new characters. The story will be continuing on".
Kenneth is guessing that the sequel will be filmed at the end of the year: "The previous installment was so successful because the research was well-done, so the sequel needs more time to prepare. Have to write a good script before filming...don't want to have any regrets. (Since the first installment had such good results, would there be pressure?) No pressure. Work hard to make it good. Okay as long as [we] do [our] best. Hope that viewers like it and support it". Asked if he would be increasing his fee after becoming 'TV King', he said, "My fee is cheap. The Hong Kong economy is so-so. I want more people to look for me for work. Also have a lot of work on hand this Lunar New Year. Doing shows abroad...very good". Although he is already 'TV King', he feels that it does not represent anything; [he] also has to continue to work hard: "I really like playing soccer. Like the Premier League, having a good result this season does not mean that the next season will be as good, so I need to continue to do my best". As for the matter of romance, he said that he is leaving it to fate.
*Credits to TVBUSAofficial, on.cc, mingpao, eastweek, hk01, am730, bastilleent, moreforms, and youku
"Of Greed and Ants" Sub Song 2 MV
"The Moon Represents My Heart" - Vivian Koo
月亮代表我的心 《黃金有罪》 插曲 - 谷婭溦
作曲: 翁清溪
填詞: 孫儀
編曲: 朱俊傑
監製: 何哲圖/朱俊傑
你問我愛你有多深 我愛你有幾分
我的情也真 我的愛也真 月亮代表我的心
你問我愛你有多深 我愛你有幾分
我的情不移 我的愛不變 月亮代表我的心
*輕輕的一個吻 已經打動我的心
深深的一段情 教我思念到如今
你問我愛你有多深 我愛你有幾分
#你去想一想 你去看一看 月亮代表我的心#*
Repeat *#
*Credits to 星夢娛樂
"The Dripping Sauce" Sub Song MV
Drama Version
"Time After Time" - Jinny Ng
似水流年 《大醬園》 片尾曲 - 吳若希
作曲: 喜多郎
填詞: 鄭國江
編曲: 朱俊傑
監製: 何哲圖/朱俊傑
滿懷倦 無淚也無言
只感到 情懷亂
遠景不見 但仍向著前
每天掙扎 人海裡面
心中感嘆 似水流年
我懷念 懷念往年
外貌早改變 處境都變 情懷未變
Repeat *
*Credits to 星夢娛樂 and LovingTBB
Monday, January 20, 2020
"The Dripping Sauce" Opening Theme Video
"Timeless" - Kayee Tam
真心不變 《大醬園》 主題曲 - 譚嘉儀
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/朱俊傑
情感 淡淡仍然細膩
餘香 好等以後回味
時光 釀造成熟各種秘技
每雙手 改寫命數轉機
時代變 真心真意不變
樂與悲 經得起這考驗
滴水多渺小 全憑這信念
頑石有 給它穿透一天
人在變 一些感覺不變
共並肩 辛苦都算經驗
萬千小雨點 亮似星飛閃
長路裏 多得你在身邊
Promotional Event 1 @ "Scoop" Clip (011420)
Promotional Event 1 @ TVBE Clip (011520)
Promotional Event 2 @ TVBE Clip (011820)
Promotional Event 2 @ "Scoop" Clip (011820)
Promotional Event 3 @ J2 Clip (013020)
Promotional Event 3 @ TVBE Clip (013120)
Promotional Event 3 @ "Scoop" Clip (013020)
Interview @ J2 Clip (022420)
Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (022620)
Related post: "The Dripping Sauce" Theme Song MV (Full Version)
Related post: "The Dripping Sauce" Sub Song MV
Related post: "The Dripping Sauce" Theme Song MV Preview
*Credits to mee_cmc
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Bobby Au Yeung Playing a Traffic Cop in "Colleagues Do Great Things", Admits That the Sensitive Subject Matter Delayed Outdoor Filming
[Today], the new TVB series "Colleagues Do Great Things" was filming at the Science Park in Tai Po. Bobby Au Yeung, Mat Yeung, Joe Ma, Timothy Cheng, et al., were present. Bobby's look in the traffic police uniform was revealed. He jokingly said that this look was very aggravating, but [he] was grateful to Mat for taking the heat recently.
Bobby Au Yeung Looks at the Team When Accepting a Series
Bobby said that "Colleagues" started shooting last October. Completing 30 episodes in over three months, the progress is normal; it was just that the social atmosphere was turbulent at the beginning of filming. He laughingly said, "It is very aggravating for us traffic police to film on the streets, so the outdoor filming was delayed because it is rather sensitive. Filming may not be disturbed, but there are a lot of people walking around on site, so the less trouble, the better". Will Bobby film another TVB series this year? He said that there was no timetable yet. [He] also does not film a TVB series every year; it was two years after "My Ages Apart" that [he] accepted the offer to film "Colleagues". For work, the most important is being happy with the team that [you are] collaborating with. He particularly admires this series' producer, Andy Chan. Saw his "OMG, Your Honour", which was filmed with a lot of heart, so [he] accepted the offer to film "Colleagues".
Joe Ma Spending Lunar New Year's Eve in 'Jail'
[Today], Joe revealed that, on the last day, he has to film a scene where he goes to prison, spending Lunar New Year's Eve in jail...touch wood. Producer Andy explained that it was because Joe's lawyer look had to be completed first, and then [he] can finally cut [his] hair to shoot the prison scene, highly praising his professionalism. He also said that "Colleagues" is nearing completion. Outdoor filming has always been very smooth.
*Credits to mingpao
Ming Pao Clip
[Today], the new TVB series "Colleagues Do Great Things" was filming at the Science Park in Tai Po. Bobby Au Yeung, Mat Yeung, Joe Ma, Timothy Cheng, et al., were present. Bobby's look in the traffic police uniform was revealed. He jokingly said that this look was very aggravating, but [he] was grateful to Mat for taking the heat recently.
Bobby Au Yeung Looks at the Team When Accepting a Series
Bobby said that "Colleagues" started shooting last October. Completing 30 episodes in over three months, the progress is normal; it was just that the social atmosphere was turbulent at the beginning of filming. He laughingly said, "It is very aggravating for us traffic police to film on the streets, so the outdoor filming was delayed because it is rather sensitive. Filming may not be disturbed, but there are a lot of people walking around on site, so the less trouble, the better". Will Bobby film another TVB series this year? He said that there was no timetable yet. [He] also does not film a TVB series every year; it was two years after "My Ages Apart" that [he] accepted the offer to film "Colleagues". For work, the most important is being happy with the team that [you are] collaborating with. He particularly admires this series' producer, Andy Chan. Saw his "OMG, Your Honour", which was filmed with a lot of heart, so [he] accepted the offer to film "Colleagues".
Joe Ma Spending Lunar New Year's Eve in 'Jail'
[Today], Joe revealed that, on the last day, he has to film a scene where he goes to prison, spending Lunar New Year's Eve in jail...touch wood. Producer Andy explained that it was because Joe's lawyer look had to be completed first, and then [he] can finally cut [his] hair to shoot the prison scene, highly praising his professionalism. He also said that "Colleagues" is nearing completion. Outdoor filming has always been very smooth.
*Credits to mingpao
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
"The Dripping Sauce" Theme Song MV Preview
"Timeless" - Kayee Tam
真心不變 《大醬園》 主題曲 - 譚嘉儀
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/朱俊傑
情感 淡淡仍然細膩
餘香 好等以後回味
時光 釀造成熟各種秘技
每雙手 改寫命數轉機
時代變 真心真意不變
樂與悲 經得起這考驗
滴水多渺小 全憑這信念
頑石有 給它穿透一天
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Michelle Ye Congratulates Kenneth Ma on Winning 'TV King'
Michelle Ye appeared at RTHK today to attend a recorded interview for "Jacky Club". Mentioning that good friend Kenneth Ma has finally won the 'TV King' award at "TV Awards Presentation 2019" after waiting for 13 years, Michelle frankly said that she was happy for him: "His first series, 'Eternal Happiness', was filmed with me. When [I] had dinner with 'Tak Gor'(Poon Ka Tak) last night, [I] also congratulated him over the phone. In fact, the feeling that Kenneth gives me is that of a profound and knowledgeable guy. Out of actors, he is also highly educated, so we had a common language at that time. Seeing that he has been doing so well for so many years, I also feel very happy".
Michelle, who is currently single, was asked whether she would consider developing a romance with Kenneth. Michelle laughingly said, "Ha ha. I think that he would not be lacking pursuers. Talked to the point that I am drooling. Actually, his qualifications are really very good. I blame myself for not knowing how to cherish [him] when I was young...ha ha! Just joking. We never dated at that time...just collaborated. Although we have not seen each other for a long time, the impression he gives me is really very good".
*Credits to hk01, moreforms, and youku
Hong Kong Open TV Clip
hk01 Clip
am730 Clip
More Forms Clip
Youku Clip
Michelle Ye appeared at RTHK today to attend a recorded interview for "Jacky Club". Mentioning that good friend Kenneth Ma has finally won the 'TV King' award at "TV Awards Presentation 2019" after waiting for 13 years, Michelle frankly said that she was happy for him: "His first series, 'Eternal Happiness', was filmed with me. When [I] had dinner with 'Tak Gor'(Poon Ka Tak) last night, [I] also congratulated him over the phone. In fact, the feeling that Kenneth gives me is that of a profound and knowledgeable guy. Out of actors, he is also highly educated, so we had a common language at that time. Seeing that he has been doing so well for so many years, I also feel very happy".
Michelle, who is currently single, was asked whether she would consider developing a romance with Kenneth. Michelle laughingly said, "Ha ha. I think that he would not be lacking pursuers. Talked to the point that I am drooling. Actually, his qualifications are really very good. I blame myself for not knowing how to cherish [him] when I was young...ha ha! Just joking. We never dated at that time...just collaborated. Although we have not seen each other for a long time, the impression he gives me is really very good".
*Credits to hk01, moreforms, and youku
Sunday, January 12, 2020
TV Awards Presentation 2019
Full Show
Best Series
"Big White Duel"
Best Actor
Kenneth Ma ("Big White Duel")
Best Actress
Kara Hui ("The Defected")
Most Popular TV Male Character
Pakho Chau ("Wonder Women")
Most Popular TV Female Character(s)
Selena Lee ("Barrack O'Karma")
Miriam Yeung ("Wonder Women")
Best Supporting Actor
Chow Ka Lok ("Lo and Behold")
Best Supporting Actress
Candice Chiu ("Barrack O'Karma")
Most Improved Male Artiste
Owen Cheung ("Justice Bao: The First Year", "Finding Her Voice", "12 Summers")
Most Improved Female Artiste
Kelly Cheung ("Big White Duel", "Barrack O'Karma", "The Man Who Kills Troubles", "12 Summers")
Most Popular TV Partnership
Joel Chan & Selena Lee ("Barrack O'Karma")
Most Popular Series Song
讓愛高飛 ("Wonder Women") - Pakho Chau
Best Host(s)
Liza Wang, Sammy Leung, William So & Dickson Yu ("Liza's on Line")
Best Non-Drama Programme(s)
"Faraway Brides (Sr. 3)"
"A Chef and a Gentleman"
"DoDo Midnight Quests"
"Sammy on the Go"
"Here We Go Again"
Lifetime Achievement Award
Lau Dan
"TV Awards Presentation Victors' Corner 2019"
"bbc Awards Flash Mob 2019"
FYI: "TV Awards Presentation 2019" averaged 28.4 points; "bbc Awards Flash Mob 2019" averaged 25.7 points.
Personal Note: Congrats to all the winners! The results were rather predictable this year, though dual winners for 'Female Character' and 'Supporting Actor' were definitely unexpected. Selena should have been the sole 'Female Character' recipient, but I guess TVB had to spread the pork so that Miriam did not have to go home empty-handed, as it could only be the formidable Kara Hui for 'Best Actress'. Although Chow Ka Lok's win is quite premature, it is definitely a nod to the long-run success of "Lo and Behold", as well as his prominent presence in the series. It was hilarious seeing Ka Lok present the award to himself! :D
Too bad there was no 'Professional Actor Award' this time to acknowledge the contributions of green leaf actors....
Loved seeing Ma Ming's "A Fistful of Stances" family up on stage with him as he received 'Best Actor', and it was funny how Ma Ming mentioned his mom being more concerned about her chances of winning the lottery than his chances of winning an award.
Ha ha...when Tony and Priscilla's baby ended up looking like Edwin in the 'Baby Maker' segment.... :P
Best Series
"Big White Duel"
Best Actor
Kenneth Ma ("Big White Duel")
Best Actress
Kara Hui ("The Defected")
Most Popular TV Male Character
Pakho Chau ("Wonder Women")
Most Popular TV Female Character(s)
Selena Lee ("Barrack O'Karma")
Miriam Yeung ("Wonder Women")
Best Supporting Actor
Chow Ka Lok ("Lo and Behold")
Best Supporting Actress
Candice Chiu ("Barrack O'Karma")
Most Improved Male Artiste
Owen Cheung ("Justice Bao: The First Year", "Finding Her Voice", "12 Summers")
Most Improved Female Artiste
Kelly Cheung ("Big White Duel", "Barrack O'Karma", "The Man Who Kills Troubles", "12 Summers")
Most Popular TV Partnership
Joel Chan & Selena Lee ("Barrack O'Karma")
Most Popular Series Song
讓愛高飛 ("Wonder Women") - Pakho Chau
Best Host(s)
Liza Wang, Sammy Leung, William So & Dickson Yu ("Liza's on Line")
Best Non-Drama Programme(s)
"Faraway Brides (Sr. 3)"
"A Chef and a Gentleman"
"DoDo Midnight Quests"
"Sammy on the Go"
"Here We Go Again"
Lifetime Achievement Award
Lau Dan
TVBE Clip (011220)
TVBE Clip (011220)
J2 Clip (011320)
TVBE Clip (011320)
TVBE Clip (011420)
"Scoop" Clip (011220)
"Scoop" Clip (011320)
"Scoop" Clip (011320)
"Scoop" Clip (011320)
"TV Awards Presentation Victors' Corner 2019"
"bbc Awards Flash Mob 2019"
"Scoop" Clip (020920)
FYI: "TV Awards Presentation 2019" averaged 28.4 points; "bbc Awards Flash Mob 2019" averaged 25.7 points.
Personal Note: Congrats to all the winners! The results were rather predictable this year, though dual winners for 'Female Character' and 'Supporting Actor' were definitely unexpected. Selena should have been the sole 'Female Character' recipient, but I guess TVB had to spread the pork so that Miriam did not have to go home empty-handed, as it could only be the formidable Kara Hui for 'Best Actress'. Although Chow Ka Lok's win is quite premature, it is definitely a nod to the long-run success of "Lo and Behold", as well as his prominent presence in the series. It was hilarious seeing Ka Lok present the award to himself! :D
Too bad there was no 'Professional Actor Award' this time to acknowledge the contributions of green leaf actors....
Loved seeing Ma Ming's "A Fistful of Stances" family up on stage with him as he received 'Best Actor', and it was funny how Ma Ming mentioned his mom being more concerned about her chances of winning the lottery than his chances of winning an award.
Ha ha...when Tony and Priscilla's baby ended up looking like Edwin in the 'Baby Maker' segment.... :P
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
"A Recipe for the Heart" Rebroadcasting, Louis Koo Says to Turn Off the TV
Artistes Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan attended a skin care brand event. The two shared what they have been up to and their experience with skin care, and massaged the models' faces. Jessica's gestures were proficient, while Louis randomly rolled in the opposite direction, and even pretended to poke the female model's nostril; the scene was funny! The two revealed that they have been busy shooting a new film, which should be wrapping up in a few days. Louis expressed that he will be busy filming another movie before the new year; however, there will be a one-week break in the new year: "Would stay in Hong Kong and pay the relatives a new year visit every year. It is an annual tradition". Jessica revealed that she will be spending the new year in Hong Kong, and would not choose to travel during the peak season.
Speaking of the frequent collaborations in the past year, as it has recently already been their third film together, are they already tired of each other? The two laughingly said that there is an eternal chemistry. Jessica said, "When he is working, he is not free to pay attention to me, but we are both very direct people. Quite good this way. (Have you ever argued?) Really never experienced it". Louis said, "I am familiar with her personality, so I would be more at ease. Being an actor, the most important is acting out the project well. At most, there would be differing opinions". Speaking of the TVB series "A Recipe for the Heart", in which the two co-starred in over 20 years ago, which is rebroadcasting tonight, Louis laughingly said that he rarely watches his old works, and even told everyone to turn off the TV on time: "Already watched a lot during filming, so there is no need to rewatch it. Looking to the future!" On the contrary, Jessica thought that it was a very good memory: "If there is time, would watch it again. Very funny...my monkey hairstyle". However, Louis expressed that his parents saved newspaper clippings and even old videotapes for him.
Mentioning Raymond Lam, who is in the same company, getting married, Louis expressed that he would be giving a gift but has not thought about what he would be giving for the time being, and he will also be keeping it a secret first. Jessica expressed that she would see what he needs, such as what items are needed when moving house. Speaking of the downturn in the Hong Kong market, will there be even more movies and local industries? Louis expressed that it depends on the environment, and hopes that the entire industry adds oil together.
*Credits to on.cc, tvb, mingpao, appledaily, hk01, am730, bastilleent, moreforms, youku, and she.com
ViuTV Clip
Hong Kong Open TV Clip
ontv Clip
Ming Pao Clip
Ming Pao Clip
Apple Daily Clip
hk01 Clip
am730 Clip
HotTV Clip
More Forms Clip
More Forms Clip
Youku Clip
she.com Clip
Artistes Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan attended a skin care brand event. The two shared what they have been up to and their experience with skin care, and massaged the models' faces. Jessica's gestures were proficient, while Louis randomly rolled in the opposite direction, and even pretended to poke the female model's nostril; the scene was funny! The two revealed that they have been busy shooting a new film, which should be wrapping up in a few days. Louis expressed that he will be busy filming another movie before the new year; however, there will be a one-week break in the new year: "Would stay in Hong Kong and pay the relatives a new year visit every year. It is an annual tradition". Jessica revealed that she will be spending the new year in Hong Kong, and would not choose to travel during the peak season.
Speaking of the frequent collaborations in the past year, as it has recently already been their third film together, are they already tired of each other? The two laughingly said that there is an eternal chemistry. Jessica said, "When he is working, he is not free to pay attention to me, but we are both very direct people. Quite good this way. (Have you ever argued?) Really never experienced it". Louis said, "I am familiar with her personality, so I would be more at ease. Being an actor, the most important is acting out the project well. At most, there would be differing opinions". Speaking of the TVB series "A Recipe for the Heart", in which the two co-starred in over 20 years ago, which is rebroadcasting tonight, Louis laughingly said that he rarely watches his old works, and even told everyone to turn off the TV on time: "Already watched a lot during filming, so there is no need to rewatch it. Looking to the future!" On the contrary, Jessica thought that it was a very good memory: "If there is time, would watch it again. Very funny...my monkey hairstyle". However, Louis expressed that his parents saved newspaper clippings and even old videotapes for him.
Mentioning Raymond Lam, who is in the same company, getting married, Louis expressed that he would be giving a gift but has not thought about what he would be giving for the time being, and he will also be keeping it a secret first. Jessica expressed that she would see what he needs, such as what items are needed when moving house. Speaking of the downturn in the Hong Kong market, will there be even more movies and local industries? Louis expressed that it depends on the environment, and hopes that the entire industry adds oil together.
*Credits to on.cc, tvb, mingpao, appledaily, hk01, am730, bastilleent, moreforms, youku, and she.com
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
"Of Greed and Ants" Theme Song MV
"Chase For" - Fred Cheng
快閃 《黃金有罪》 主題曲 - 鄭俊弘
作曲: 朱俊傑
填詞: 張美賢
編曲: Johnny Yim
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
從起跑線 全速衝線 誰顧及要良善
黃金一遍 良知一片 是哪邊會更閃
被冷待過的咀臉 明白人是怎分辨
若能獨佔 誰要站於兩邊
*浮華這樣有趣 名利怎麼抗拒
全憑鈔票一堆 就有新的愛侶 (完全不會心虚 未怕天崩行雷)
與盛勢結隊 和成功一對
我要創造壯舉 (我去撰寫規矩)
誰來判斷錯對 誰又找到證據
無能操縱興衰 便葬身於人堆
不需要畏懼 不要有顧慮
從起跑線 唯一出線 誰寄望肩並肩
黃金一遍 時機一見 就會一秒快閃
被挫敗過的苦戰 全是明日的經驗
拔除淚腺 迎向目標領先
Repeat *
前進下去 有甚麼不對
我有辦法 繼續進取
Repeat (*)
Related post: "Of Greed and Ants" Opening Theme Video
*Credits to LovingTBB, TVBent, and 星夢娛樂
Monday, January 6, 2020
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clips 1-7, TVBUSA Trailer & AOD Trailer
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 1
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 2
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 3
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 4
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 5
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 6
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 7
"The Dripping Sauce" TVBUSA Trailer
"The Dripping Sauce" AOD Trailer
Related post: 《大醬園》 "Big Sauce Factory" Costume Fitting
*Credits to tvb, mee_cmc, all_about_kwan, and TVBUSAofficial
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 2
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 3
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 4
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 5
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 6
"The Dripping Sauce" Promotional Clip 7
"The Dripping Sauce" TVBUSA Trailer
"The Dripping Sauce" AOD Trailer
Related post: 《大醬園》 "Big Sauce Factory" Costume Fitting
*Credits to tvb, mee_cmc, all_about_kwan, and TVBUSAofficial
"Of Greed and Ants" Opening Theme Video
"Chase For" - Fred Cheng
快閃 《黃金有罪》 主題曲 - 鄭俊弘
作曲: 朱俊傑
填詞: 張美賢
編曲: Johnny Yim
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
從起跑線 全速衝線 誰顧及要良善
黃金一遍 良知一片 是哪邊會更閃
被冷待過的咀臉 明白人是怎分辨
若能獨佔 誰要站於兩邊
浮華這樣有趣 名利怎麼抗拒
無能操縱興衰 便葬身於人堆
不需要畏懼 不要有顧慮
Promotional Event 1 @ TVBE Clip (010420)
Promotional Event 1 @ TVBE Clip (010620)
Promotional Event 1 @ "Scoop" Clip (010420)
Premiere @ "Extra" Clip (010620)
Premiere @ J2 Clip (010720)
Premiere @ TVBE Clip (010720)
Premiere @ "Scoop" Clip (010720)
"Star Talk" @ J2 Clip (011420)
"Star Talk" @ TVBE Clip (011420)
Promotional Event 2 @ TVBE Clip (012220)
Promotional Event 2 @ TVBE Clip (012320)
Promotional Event 2 @ "Scoop" Clip (012820)
Promotional Event 3 @ "Extra" Clip (020520)
Promotional Event 3 @ J2 Clip (020620)
Promotional Event 3 @ TVBE Clip (020620)
Promotional Event 3 @ "Scoop" Clip (020720)
Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (020820)
Related post: "Of Greed and Ants" Sub Song 2 MV
Related post: "Of Greed and Ants" Theme Song MV
Related post: "Of Greed and Ants" Sub Song MV
*Credits to reiakiryu and TVBUSAofficial
Sunday, January 5, 2020
"Of Greed and Ants" Sub Song MV
"Liar" - HANA
你喜歡說謊 《黃金有罪》 片尾曲 - 菊梓喬
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
若你要犯錯 想跟你犯錯
怎麼處罰我 根本不想改過
陪著你跳進風波 我太傻
預了後果 上多一千課
在某次做錯 只好繼續錯
遮掩了罪過 我的一時瘋魔
明日假使天塌了 四處燃熊火
替你贖罪 都不知痛楚
頑固像我 難看清真實的狀況
矇著兩眼 偏執到沒救藥
你喜歡說謊 我喜愛受騙
其實我有時會盼望 (其實我有時會願望)
崇拜著你 能有天逼自己去反抗
明日世界 開心這樣渺茫 (可否叫住時光)
你喜歡說謊 我知道但我不想講*
如被你捆綁起雙手 纏著不放
在某次做錯 只好繼續錯
消失了自我 抹不走是心魔
如夢初醒一刹那 再跌回漩渦
撫心自問 傷口真太多
Repeat *
如被你捆綁於漆黑 期待陽光
Repeat (*)
如被你捆綁於漆黑 還在說謊
*Credits to 星夢娛樂
"Handmaidens United" Theme Song MV
"Brave for You" - Kayee Tam
想勇敢一次 《丫鬟大聯盟》 主題曲 - 譚嘉儀
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 楊熙
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
臨行前還有雨 知道不會很容易
你與我卻早已 偷偷交換了心思
門和牆誰介意 不會給那些困住
已跳過那封建 身份不是太緊要
*告別軟弱時 小女子可以 當個可愛新娘子 (親你不要等明天)
放下那猶豫 肯放膽一次 抬頭尋覓那晴天
沉迷地向著那夢兒 想勇敢一次 編寫心裡的場面
聽著你諾言 相信這一次 無懷疑來讓你知 而我願意 (無悔踏前)
途遙遙還有刺 思緒不免很凌亂
你與我卻早已 手牽手未怕兜圈
途茫茫誰介意 只要跟你可抱住
到永遠那麼遠 不捨得別你一秒
Repeat *(*)
Related post: "Handmaidens United" Theme Song
*Credits to TVBent
Friday, January 3, 2020
《香港愛情故事》 "Hong Kong Love Stories" Blessing Ceremony
Date: January 3, 2020
Temporary Chinese title: 《香港愛情故事》
Pinyin title: Heung Kong Oi Ching Goo Si
Temporary English title: "Hong Kong Love Stories"
Producer: Lam Hang
Attending Cast: Joey Law, Katy Kung, Venus Wong, Brian Tse, HANA, Shek Sau, Mimi Kung, Bak Biu, Fung So Bor, Choi Kwok Hing, Virginia Lau, Kayan Yau, Frederick Chui, Zac Liu, Niklas Lam, Jacquelin Ch'ng, Janis Chan, King Lam, Kimmi Tsui, Chun Kai Wai, Eric Tang, Yuri Wong, Cheung Yik Tung, and Sandy To.
- 12 episodes long.
- The series talks about the problems that different age groups encounter in Hong Kong society today and how they find their happiness and solve their problems. The series mainly revolves around three different stages of love stories.
- Joey Law will play Ronny Chan Chi Long (陳子朗). His sexual needs are high. He is the son of Mimi King and Bak Biu.
- Katy Kung will play Katy Yau Hoi Kei (邱凱琪), Shek Sau's daughter. She and Joey have dated for many years. Later, they have plans to get married. In order to get married, she needs him to buy a house. Is buying a house necessary when getting married?
- Venus Wong will play Shay, a photographer. She is a non-mainstream girl. She is rather open, takes the initiative, lives for the moment, and is afraid of commitment. She goes against tradition, and her values differ from others, but she is extremely loyal to herself. She is sensitive and emotional, so she puts up walls and is rather solitary. She has many male partners. She has a complicated relationship with Brian Tse.
- Brian will play Heyman Kei Ka Hei (紀家希), a well-known photographer. He originally has a girlfriend, but another girl appears during his picture taking. He has a romantic storyline with Venus.
- Kandy Wong will play Man Ching (文靖), an advertisement producer. She is rather straightforward and pure. Venus is her good friend. Her life basically revolves around Venus, and she does a lot of things for her and is always supportive of her. She thinks simply. She is content as long as her friend is happy. This well-behaved girl has always envied her friend's loyalty to herself, and she always puts her friend first. She is guest-staring for three episodes.
- Shek Sau's love story is about a new marriage between a mature man and a woman who is 30-plus years younger. Virginia Lau is his wife. How do you choose between love and bread? Would this love slowly dissipate and disappear? After using this bread, would it lose its effectiveness? They face societal pressure, parental opposition, and the eyes of all their relatives and friends.
- Mimi will play Mok Siu Ha (莫少霞). She and Bak Biu have a family of five living in small public housing. His yelling ends up causing his family to leave one by one.
- Virginia will play Lee Lai Fong (李麗芬). Apart from being a housewife, she has another identity. She is a Vietnamese person. She got married and went to Shenzhen but got scammed. Later, she got divorced, went to Hong Kong, and then married Shek Sau; however, because he has children, she becomes a stepmother. Outsiders think that she married him for his money, especially his daughter, so there are some misunderstandings toward her. Did she marry him out of love or for his money? Everyone thinks that she married for money, so she is loathed, but they do have love.
- Kayan Yau will play Chan Chi Ting (陳子婷), Joey's younger sister. She has a cute and lively personality. She is very popular at the university, so she ends up inadvertently cheating on her boyfriend, Frederick Chui.
- Frederick will play Tsui Ho Nam (徐浩楠), the tall, cool, and confident captain of the university basketball team.
- Zac Liu will play Chow Fan (周凡), a Singaporean who has gone to Hong Kong to study. He is traditional and career-minded. He has a love story with Kayan.
- Niklas Lam will play a homebody who has a one-sided love for Kayan. He comes from a broken family.
- Jacquelin Ch'ng has an online romance.
- Janis Chan will guest-star as a well-known photographer for five or six episodes. She has more scenes with Brian and Venus. She and Venus have a mentor-mentee relationship.
- King Lam will play a real estate agent.
- Yuri Wong will play Ida, an 18-year-old basketball player.
- Sandy To will play a student who likes augury.
- Angel Chiang will play the younger version of Mimi's character. After meeting Kelvin Leung, they get married and have three children, but later, problems in their marriage arise, which leads to the breakdown of their marriage.
- Kelvin will play 「大聲公」. Angel is his wife.
- Nicole Wan will play Joey's superior.
- Joe Yau will play 「朱教授」.
FYI: HANA was originally cast in the series; however, due to a schedule conflict, Kandy Wong has taken her place.
Personal Note: Was expecting this to be a mini series similar to "A Time of Love", but HANA said that they would be filming for a few months....
*Credits to on.cc, eastweek, hk01, bastilleent, moreforms, mingpao, tvb, and TVBUSAofficial
Date: January 3, 2020
Temporary Chinese title: 《香港愛情故事》
Pinyin title: Heung Kong Oi Ching Goo Si
Temporary English title: "Hong Kong Love Stories"
Producer: Lam Hang
Attending Cast: Joey Law, Katy Kung, Venus Wong, Brian Tse, HANA, Shek Sau, Mimi Kung, Bak Biu, Fung So Bor, Choi Kwok Hing, Virginia Lau, Kayan Yau, Frederick Chui, Zac Liu, Niklas Lam, Jacquelin Ch'ng, Janis Chan, King Lam, Kimmi Tsui, Chun Kai Wai, Eric Tang, Yuri Wong, Cheung Yik Tung, and Sandy To.
"Scoop" Clip
ontv Clip
ontv Clip
East Week Clip
hk01 Clip
hk01 Clip
HotTV Clip
HotTV Clip
More Forms Clip
More Forms Clip
More Forms Clip
More Forms Clip
- 12 episodes long.
- The series talks about the problems that different age groups encounter in Hong Kong society today and how they find their happiness and solve their problems. The series mainly revolves around three different stages of love stories.
- Joey Law will play Ronny Chan Chi Long (陳子朗). His sexual needs are high. He is the son of Mimi King and Bak Biu.
- Katy Kung will play Katy Yau Hoi Kei (邱凱琪), Shek Sau's daughter. She and Joey have dated for many years. Later, they have plans to get married. In order to get married, she needs him to buy a house. Is buying a house necessary when getting married?
- Venus Wong will play Shay, a photographer. She is a non-mainstream girl. She is rather open, takes the initiative, lives for the moment, and is afraid of commitment. She goes against tradition, and her values differ from others, but she is extremely loyal to herself. She is sensitive and emotional, so she puts up walls and is rather solitary. She has many male partners. She has a complicated relationship with Brian Tse.
- Brian will play Heyman Kei Ka Hei (紀家希), a well-known photographer. He originally has a girlfriend, but another girl appears during his picture taking. He has a romantic storyline with Venus.
- Kandy Wong will play Man Ching (文靖), an advertisement producer. She is rather straightforward and pure. Venus is her good friend. Her life basically revolves around Venus, and she does a lot of things for her and is always supportive of her. She thinks simply. She is content as long as her friend is happy. This well-behaved girl has always envied her friend's loyalty to herself, and she always puts her friend first. She is guest-staring for three episodes.
- Shek Sau's love story is about a new marriage between a mature man and a woman who is 30-plus years younger. Virginia Lau is his wife. How do you choose between love and bread? Would this love slowly dissipate and disappear? After using this bread, would it lose its effectiveness? They face societal pressure, parental opposition, and the eyes of all their relatives and friends.
- Mimi will play Mok Siu Ha (莫少霞). She and Bak Biu have a family of five living in small public housing. His yelling ends up causing his family to leave one by one.
- Virginia will play Lee Lai Fong (李麗芬). Apart from being a housewife, she has another identity. She is a Vietnamese person. She got married and went to Shenzhen but got scammed. Later, she got divorced, went to Hong Kong, and then married Shek Sau; however, because he has children, she becomes a stepmother. Outsiders think that she married him for his money, especially his daughter, so there are some misunderstandings toward her. Did she marry him out of love or for his money? Everyone thinks that she married for money, so she is loathed, but they do have love.
- Kayan Yau will play Chan Chi Ting (陳子婷), Joey's younger sister. She has a cute and lively personality. She is very popular at the university, so she ends up inadvertently cheating on her boyfriend, Frederick Chui.
- Frederick will play Tsui Ho Nam (徐浩楠), the tall, cool, and confident captain of the university basketball team.
- Zac Liu will play Chow Fan (周凡), a Singaporean who has gone to Hong Kong to study. He is traditional and career-minded. He has a love story with Kayan.
- Niklas Lam will play a homebody who has a one-sided love for Kayan. He comes from a broken family.
- Jacquelin Ch'ng has an online romance.
- Janis Chan will guest-star as a well-known photographer for five or six episodes. She has more scenes with Brian and Venus. She and Venus have a mentor-mentee relationship.
- King Lam will play a real estate agent.
- Yuri Wong will play Ida, an 18-year-old basketball player.
- Sandy To will play a student who likes augury.
- Angel Chiang will play the younger version of Mimi's character. After meeting Kelvin Leung, they get married and have three children, but later, problems in their marriage arise, which leads to the breakdown of their marriage.
- Kelvin will play 「大聲公」. Angel is his wife.
- Nicole Wan will play Joey's superior.
- Joe Yau will play 「朱教授」.
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FYI: HANA was originally cast in the series; however, due to a schedule conflict, Kandy Wong has taken her place.
Personal Note: Was expecting this to be a mini series similar to "A Time of Love", but HANA said that they would be filming for a few months....
*Credits to on.cc, eastweek, hk01, bastilleent, moreforms, mingpao, tvb, and TVBUSAofficial
Louis Koo Holds Universal Concert Tour in Advertisement to Poke Fun at Himself
Louis Koo shot a critical illness insurance advertisement for an insurance company. In the clip, he dreams of various life ideals, such as becoming an opera singer, holding a stand-up comedy show, getting married, etc., but the narration is constantly throwing cold water on them. The picture was extremely funny. Apart from the lead, Louis, the advertisement also got the sexy female DJ Lokyii to make a guest appearance as Louis' wife.
*Credits to hk01 and Prudential Hong Kong Limited
Louis Koo shot a critical illness insurance advertisement for an insurance company. In the clip, he dreams of various life ideals, such as becoming an opera singer, holding a stand-up comedy show, getting married, etc., but the narration is constantly throwing cold water on them. The picture was extremely funny. Apart from the lead, Louis, the advertisement also got the sexy female DJ Lokyii to make a guest appearance as Louis' wife.
*Credits to hk01 and Prudential Hong Kong Limited