Tuesday, June 30, 2009

《烈火雄心3》 "Burning Flame III" Promotional Clips 1-3

Wong He Training

Kevin Cheng Training

Bosco Wong Training

*Credits to HKLOVE.org, 勞克輝 @ He-Bar, and chaifoonlok @ lovebosco.net

A Blast from the Past: Wong He & Bowie Lam

This picture was from 1999 or 2001, and He and Bowie seemed liked friends back then. He and Bowie were rumoured to have had disagreements with each other while hosting TVB's variety programme 《江山美人》 in 2006.

He started to change the dialogue in the scripts since his first series, "Nothing to Declare". He first discusses it with the director or the producer; if they "okay" it, then the script is changed. However, He stopped his habit from "Fathers and Sons" and on.

I don't know, but Virginia Lok referred to He as 'troublesome' (麻煩) when they had only met once.

麻煩 or not, I still think He changes the script for the better.

P.S. He and Bowie's foreheads were very shiny! Ha ha....

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Steven Ma Praises Tavia Yeung

In Steven Ma's eyes, Tavia Yeung is a very good partner in every sense. "The old Tavia didn't have fire in her innermost feelings, but during the filming of 'Sweetness in the Salt', she did some reorganization. Her acting is now different. She is very detailed in filming every scene, and she is in the ready position when the cameras start rolling. There is an episode where it talks about me catching a virus, so I had to stay in an abandoned temple. She was acting with me through a doorway. We couldn't stop crying. That type of 'parting forever' feeling was done in one take. After filming that scene, we couldn't help but hug each other. The filming crew members were clapping their hands. I am very happy to have met such a great actress. I hope this series will become one of her representative works in her acting career".

堅毅不屈16年 讚楊怡夠認真 馬浚偉:我真係好想做奸人!









馬浚偉跟劇中情人楊怡繼《匯通天下》後再續前緣,兩人能否在《碧》中彌補當年的遺憾,自是本劇焦點之一。但在馬仔眼中,楊怡是一個不折不扣的好拍檔,能跟這樣一個好的對手合作已很無憾。 「以前o既楊怡內心仲未有一團火,但拍《碧》o既時候,佢經過一d整理,演戲態度已經唔同晒,佢拍每場戲都好仔細,一埋位就到,好似有一集講我染上瘟疫_我匿o係破廟度,佢隔住個門口同我做戲,我地兩個都喊到收唔到聲,o個種生離死別o既感覺完全一Take過,拍完之後我同佢都忍唔住互相擁抱,工作人員都齊齊拍手,能夠遇到呢種咁好o既演員真係好開心,希望呢套劇能成為佢演藝生涯中其中一套代表作。」



「我試過好多唔同角色,但我真係好想演奸角,做個有血有肉的大反派,奸人好難做,情況等同唱歌,我仲想出唱片o架,為o左方便練歌,我仲o係屋企裝o左套卡拉 OK,可以搖控點歌,唱o既仲係出Show用o既咪,我對唱歌仲好有興趣,而幸運地,每套劇o既主題曲都係自己唱番,希望有一日可以出一張主題曲 Collection再加一兩首新歌,咁就最好啦。」

*Credits to headlinedaily

《王老虎搶親》 "A Bride for a Ride" Promotional Clip 2

TVB 王老虎搶親 宣傳片 王老虎又搶野啦! (TVB Channel)

Song and Dance Promo Clip!

王秀英: "哎呀! 阿哥佢又搶嘢啦!"
(Nancy Wu: "Oh, no! Older brother is snatching things again!")

DAY DAY 餐餐都要o也香腸
靚靚新娘 我要去搶
靚靚新娘 我要去搶

Related post: 《王老虎搶親》 "A Bride for a Ride" Promotional Clip

Personal Note: That is so funny! Mimi Chu is just too good! She will be playing 奶媽 in here! It's going to be hilarious! I've always been a fan of Poon Ka Tak series, but "The Winter Melon Tale" is a different story. Ha ha.... I can't wait!

*Credits to 三苗台 and tvb.com

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wong Cho Lam's New Song

Wong Cho Lam's new song, "Angel Who Fell to Earth" (跌落凡間的天使), is the theme song of the movie "Short of Love".

跌落凡間的天使 - 王祖藍

作曲/監製: 鄧智偉
填詞: 王祖藍
編曲: Johnny Yim

原諒 我極像孩子 夢 萬般的蠢事
從天 跌落凡間的故事 似 已共你開始

是 你美麗如斯 像 夜深的天使
人間 發現純真的意義 你 已是我所思

*為何還流動在心扉 日後只想抱著你
這愛仍然不死 我要共你一起
凡塵裡原是沒先知 並沒把握你願意
是你的聲音在訴說幸運 我盼搏你歡心
你 延續了這段情史 能否聽多一次

是 我剩下零分 沒 甚麼的可能
情感 已被回收幾百份 我 也冒要攀登

Repeat *


Personal Note: I really like this song! It is great to hear Cho Lam sing normal songs for once! He is very talented!

*Credits to crimsonrain

Friday, June 26, 2009

Tavia Yeung on "The Green Room"

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

This is where Tavia mentioned that Ma Ming would be playing her reporting officer in their new series with Raymond. Tavia said that she is always paired up with Raymond, Ron, and Bosco, but there is no fate between her and Ma Ming.

It is known that Tavia had injured her waist in previous years when filming in Mainland. Thus, in "Sweetness in the Salt" and in "Iron Horse Seeking Bridge", she has more fighting scenes rather than wire scenes.

For more information, watch the interview!

"Sweetness in the Salt" is on the cover of TVB Weekly, issue 627.

*Credits to baidu and taviayeung.com

New Series 《談情說案》

Chinese title: 《談情說案》
Pinyin title: Tam Ching Suet On
English title: "The Mysteries of Love"
Producer: Lau Ka Ho
Cast: Raymond Lam, Tavia Yeung, Kenneth Ma, etc.
Episodes: 25
Costume fitting: July 16, 2009
Filming date: July 20, 2009

- Adaption of the Japanese series 《神探伽俐略》.
- Raymond will play a physics professor.
- Tavia will play cop. Her reporting officer is Kenneth. There will not be any love relationships between Tavia and Kenneth.
- Evergreen Mak and Tavia will play brother and sister.
- Child actor Lawrence Ng will play Evergreen's son (Tavia's nephew).

Personal Note: How can TVB have a cop series and not have Ma Ming play the cop? Ha ha....

Tavia was on "The Green Room", and she expressed that she would really like to work with Wayne Lai and Ma Ming. However, she also added that she and Ma Ming have no fate in playing a couple...that's too bad!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ella Koon Praises Kenneth Ma

娛樂on Show: 官恩娜否認與陳鍵鋒不和

Hosts: Chan Chan On & Yu Wing Man
Artiste: Ella Koon

Who is your most compatible male artiste?

Ella: The most comfortable?
On: Yes.
Ella: The most comfortable would have to be Ma Ming, Ma Kwok Ming. It is very comfortable working with him. The more I work with him, the more chemistry we have. When I first met him, he didn't have much to say. He's hardworking, and he's very punctual. He would do all of his preparations beforehand, but he wouldn't talk much. Other than talking about the series, he wouldn't play. But after we've filmed up to the middle of the series, he would talk to me and tell jokes. The more I work with him, the more chemistry we have. I feel very comfortable working with him. There isn't any pressure working with him, and I don't know. I just feel very comfortable working with him. It is the way that people get along with each other.

On: I think he is a very slow-warming person.
Man: I think he is a boring person.
On: Yes.

Ella: I don't think so. I think he is very funny guy.
Man: Really?
Ella: Maybe you haven't really come in contact with him, and when he is working, he is very serious. He is very serious when he is working. Unlike him, I would go and play in the middle of work, and then I'll go back to work, and later I would go and play. He is very focused at work. Maybe that is why people get the wrong impression of him being boring, but he has a funny side to him.

On: We have to ask Nancy Wu if he is boring or not.
Ella: Are they filming together right now?
Man: Is he one of those guys who sticks up for you when Sammul (Chan) is bullying you, "Don't bully my girl!" Is he like that?
Ella: Sammul never bullied me! Sammul even gave me rides home. It's funny how the magazines said we were at odds. That was not true. There wasn't any arguing unless he wanted to drive me to death.

Personal Note: Ella praises Ma Ming once again! Can't get enough of that! Ha ha.... I guess Ella didn't know about Ma Ming and Nancy's rumours. Ha ha.... :)

*Credits to on.cc and baidu

《烈火雄心3》 "Burning Flame III" Trailer 3

Listen to Wong He's radio interview on RTHK (starts @ 35:30)!

He talks a little bit about the new series 《囧探查過界》, and explains the meaning of 囧! He goes in specific details about the filming process of "Burning Flame III". Love him!

Personal Note: Myolie's character is going to cheat on He's character. Again, only watching He because Lok Tin Yau and Gei Tak Tin are classic characters. Best firefighter (Lok Tin Yau) ever!

*Credits to baidu

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"The 'W' Files" Theme Song (TV Version)

"Future Safeguarder" - Gallen Lo

未來的守望者 《衛斯理》 主題曲 - 羅嘉良

作曲/填詞: 陳頌紅

銀河像霧 變化無窮
偏想看 第二片天空
玄玄幻幻 跌入迷宮
看著 時間失控

光與影再不相逢 盡化做奇夢
仍然放縱 浮世 任我掌控

誰人能像我不斷為夢幻喝采 而此刻始終相信有希望存在
讓我抱緊感覺 就算看不見將來 隔兩個空間都可以相愛
誰人又像我執著夢幻沒變改 而此刻始終相信最好是期待
用半生精彩 來埋沒感慨 橫渡那星海 換一個未來

"The Battle Against Evil" Theme Song (TV Version)

"Reborn Body" - Auguste Kwan

重生個體 《轉世驚情》 主題曲 - 關德輝

作曲/編曲: 溫應鴻
填詞: 梁建邦

今日天空灰暗 晨光穿不透 我倆心分隔
抑或他生相見 從前全忘掉再沒驚怕

上世碰上你 卻沒法去愛 是我永找不到明白
願能讓你再降落吧 沒有偏差好不好嗎

曾決心相愛記得徹底 除了這新個體
仍依依不捨想起某人 瞞騙世界角落也未有將痴心放低
是你的一切記得徹底 除了這新個體
能重修於今世延續於他世 其實沒有方式去預計

"Shades of Truth" Theme Song (Full Version)

"Does Not Have Half of the Space" - Wong He

沒有半分空間 《水滸無間道》 主題曲 - 王喜

作曲: 周啟生
填詞: 盧國沾

恨愛夾擊 不敢嘆息
請不要話我 不應該不應該 竟把我有多逼擠多逼
並肩 無論多艱巨 都並肩出力

沒有半分空間 不可以揀
哪裡會知慘變後已經不可解釋 解釋當中有 有不少堪珍惜
紛爭 無數次紛爭當中你我亦痛惜 怎可令友義失了色

若有血漬 輕輕抹乾
請不要罵我 不應該不應該 竟把你有多逼擠多逼
恨憂 其實不關運 應該也不關命

沒有半分空間 不可再想
你我已經仿似野火 燒得火光沖天 可惜我始終不開心
紛爭 無數次紛爭當中你我亦痛惜 怎可令友義失了色

熱風掃起火星 灼痛肌膚 摯愛中像恨意充斥
曾於記憶中找到有片段 有一千一萬個依稀人面極像是你
難道你前生與我 是對小夫妻或者好友 合作打江山真誠結合萬人敵

"Net Deception" Theme Song (TV Version)

"Grey Terror" - Wong He

灰色恐怖 《追魂交易》 主題曲 - 王喜

作曲: Edward Chan/Charles Lee
填詞: 甄健強

黑又有多黑 原來未必將天空都薰黑
當白也消失 無人良善到永遠也不顧現實
心沒有規則 隨著目的只好輾轉反側
當白也溝黑 善與惡的身份怎可一口證實

誰都跟我仿似敵對 原本卻是天生一對
誰不是永遠賣力地進取 獨自在路上寄居 鬥下去是那樣疲累

根本你或我 也在這灰色國度 怎分得到你信那一套
怎判斷那個算作最黑 或是白得恐怖 旋轉於這交錯的馬路
今天你或我 對或錯投誰懷抱 怎估得到無人能奉告
緊張的你任一股焦燥從眼內流露 誰要做你第一位被告 別阻我去路

"Doomed to Oblivion" Theme Song (TV Version)

"Be a Wise Fool" - Wong He

難得糊塗 《鄭板橋》 主題曲 - 王喜

作曲: 柳重言
填詞: 鄭板橋/陳心遙

俗塵事 莫名其妙就當不要知
只願知 一字一墨都要為情義
為情義 隨時隨地誦我一闕詩
一段詩 足夠傳下萬世癡

難得糊塗 雖有志願仍然毋用武
我要筆 不要刀 創豐功偉績 如攀登海市蜃樓難達到
難得糊塗 聰敏轉入糊塗難做到
笑也好 哭也好 要心安理得 誰敢於廣眾大庭前畫個 問號

Laughing Gor & Laughing So @ "Beautiful Cooking II"



《變節》 13.08.2009
Anticipate it!


Check out Fala Chen's TVB blog!

Personal Note: I can't wait to watch the movie!

*Credits to youku, tungstar, and mingpao

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Devil's Disciples" Theme Song MV

"Powerful Sword" - Kevin Cheng & Bosco Wong

強劍 《強劍》 主題曲 - 鄭嘉穎/黃宗澤

作曲: 葉肇中
填詞: 鄭櫻綸

鄭: 論紛爭鬥名號 活著之日未能卻步
命運中天下可有預報 強弱有誰知道

黄: 烈風刀劍同路 一招破滅雲與霧

合: 在武台要稱號 
戰在行 共上路
追更高 在決繼時刻將心刺痛
戰在行 共上路
漂泊中 沒得失要是情重

鄭: 在風急雨狂暴 日夜天地又來噩耗
患難之交在風雨共武 流逝歲月不老

黃: 命中相配同道 沖鋒對敵情更重

合: 視你為我驕傲
戰在行 共上路
追更高 在決繼時刻將心刺痛
戰在行 共上路 
漂泊中 沒得失要是情重

戰在行 共上路
追更高 在決繼時刻將心刺痛
戰在行 共上路
漂泊中 沒得失要是情重

*Credits to HKLOVE.org

"The Gentle Crackdown" Theme Song MV

明知不知傻痴痴 《秀才遇著兵》 主題曲 - 陳豪/周麗淇

作曲/填詞: 張婉兒

*陳: 從小至今日日記住 一生盡力為民
為了實現真理想 遇上艱辛都堅忍
周: 憑身手兼且機智 挾持貧困以惡為恥
所有事只要是有理 想做就做天曉之*

陳: 從不貪 漠視名利 不倚權貴恃勢凌欺
周: 快樂人 我做人真心 將比己 冇留餘地

#合: 唔知當知而先知 明知不知傻痴痴
樂觀一生 而有智慧 正氣有意思
憑良心真心做人宗旨 行惡詐騙人憎之
和我與你一起 感覺這誠意

Repeat *#

Personal Note: This is Moses' best comedy in an ancient series! :D

*Credits to HKLOVE.org

"Safe Guards" Theme Song MV

"Village of Comrades" - Steven Ma

會友之鄉 《鐵血保鏢》 主題曲 - 馬浚偉

作曲: 葉肇中
填詞: 宋沛言

群英中 渴望上天多讚頌
若權力倚重 世上誰亦會心動
迎風 不怕路途崎嶇作弄
命如在箭上 流動

*道別才遇上 伴隨著思鄉
路遙別慌張 寄望天上
靜如大海中找到 鏗鏘 直到天亮

多少風雨霜 亦自強
得不到拍掌聲 覓真相
豪傑以盟約 再照亮


多少悲與傷 亦傲翔
得失總有獎賞 覓方向
承諾了盟約 永照亮
日月歸於心 那路向*

望星空 盼浪潮早點散盡
若然敵不動 我亦無意去嘲弄
群星中 照耀著多少個夢
盪如亂世在 浮動

Repeat *#


Personal Note: Love this song! Steven is definitely the 'King of Theme Songs'! :D

*Credits to HKLOVE.org

"The Brink of Law" Theme Song MV

"Breakthrough" - Steven Ma & Ron Ng

突圍 《突圍行動》 主題曲 - 馬浚偉/吳卓羲

作曲: 鄧智偉
填詞: 鄭櫻綸

馬: 爲著 力追心中那意思
活著 爲志願盡力嘗試
能從心溫暖他人 一息光不滅

吳: 話別 若有幸定能重遇
日後 讓故事重頭來說
情容一生去周旋 一天終如願

*馬: 看著旁人曾作祟
吳: 為求事實力探那管你是誰

合: 無蹤迹跟隨 進退有幾許
這世界國度 各有各尺度

馬: 你偶爾錯走失去方向跌倒

合: 這世界國度 那會有句號

吳: 決意去勇闖
合: 不理多遠也好
吳: 你那結果只靠一個你鋪路

合: 誰和誰來得早 也看過那長路
馬: 你爲何付出心裏知
吳: 我覓尋夢裏的路線
馬: 奮力來活出真意思*

馬: 事實 願充當心愛靠依
未及 問世事無常難免
來回生依最終時 傾一生心事

吳: 未及 讓愛慢慢來沈澱
日後 莫昨日纏綿情節
人明天終去之時 揮不開情義

Repeat *

Personal Note: The only good things about this series are the theme song and Ma Ming's guest appearance. :D

*Credits to HKLOVE.org

Raymond Lam: Sammul Chan's Super Correct Pronunciation


Interviewer: Let's ask you. Is there anyone around you who has a super amount of lazy sounds or has super correct pronunciations [in their speech]?
Raymond: There are super lots with a super amount of lazy sounds, and a few with super correct pronunciations.
Interviewer: Let's talk about the super lazy sounds. Are there any colleagues with a super amount of lazy sounds?
Raymond: Actually, there are a lot of colleagues with a super amount of lazy sounds.
Interviewer: No need to say whom.
Raymond: I obviously will not say whom.
Interviewer: Don't say it in front of the microphone. We'll say it behind the microphone!
Raymond: I will not name names. I'll let you guys find out.
Interviewer: As for super correct pronunciation, you say there are a few?
Raymond: Super correct pronunciation.... Actually, in "The Four" ,there is Sammul Chan. Wow! His correct pronunciation is super correct! You will think he is very over! Every time he says 'Nei' (you), it is very 'NNNei'. Do you understand?
Interviewer: Yes.
Raymond: There was a time when the dialogue was somewhere along the line, "That 'Nui Yan' (woman)...." He said it very 'NNNui'. I was like, "What's going on? Why are you all of a sudden like this? Is it really necessary? Do you think you're a bit over?" Sammul responded, "Its correct pronunciation." All right.
Interviewer: Does he use a lot of nasal [pronunciation]?
Raymond: He said the word 'Nui' very 'NNNui'.
Interviewer: NNN你見唔見嗰個NNN女人呀? (Do you see that woman?)
Raymond: But when you say it like this when you're acting, it will become very strange.
Interviewer: And you guys were filming an ancient series.
Raymond: It's all right in ancient. Actually, it is a very good habit. We should learn from him.
Interviewer: But when you guys are having a normal conversation, it can be a bit natural.
Raymond: That's okay. We consider that his style. We're all used to it.
Interviewer: When you hear him, you'll know it is Sammul!
Raymond: That's right!
Interviewer: And the one with a lot of bass is Raymond.
Raymond: Yes.

Personal Note: I've always admired Sammul for his speaking. He is one of the few without lazy sounds. I posted an entry about lazy sounds back in 2006 called 懶音 Lazy Sound.

*Credits to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/sammultoy

"Speech of Silence" Theme Song MV

"Intuition" - Joyce Cheng

直覺 《甜言蜜語》 主題曲 - 鄭欣宜

作曲: 周永恆
填詞: 陳詩慧

寂靜 若笑聲不再動聽
說話 無奈已聽不到怎呼應
能用心聽 如未肯定
雙眼總算可以 看清

*誰會以真心的對我 如若說出口可信麼
人無須許下承諾 只怕甜言蜜語出錯

假使 沒有開口說在意
心裡 其實很清楚你的真摯
無用猜疑 如若表示
輕輕一個擁抱 已知

Repeat **

《王老虎搶親》 "A Bride for a Ride" Promotional Clip


July 13th @ 8:30pm


周文賓: "我哋讀書人唔係東亞病夫!"
(Sammul Chan: "We scholars are not weak Asians!")

王秀英: "哎呀! 阿哥佢又搶嘢啦!"
(Nancy Wu: "Oh, no! Older brother is snatching things again!"

Personal Note: Now, I'm looking forward to "A Bride for a Ride". This one should be funny! Anticipating everyone in here!

*Credits to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/sammultoy

"Revolving Doors of Vengeance" Sub Song MV

"Don't Blame Her" - Ron Ng

別怪她 《酒店風雲》 插曲 - 吳卓羲

作曲: 鄧智偉
填詞: 陳詩慧
編曲/監製: 杜自持

不相信愛我能永久 只想到我也曾棄舊
曾經 就算痛苦仍捉緊你手
怎相信最後你竟 隨他愉快遠走
如放任 仍放任 我也知醜

*別怪她 別怪她 別再傷心對吧
從遇見的一剎 是捉緊了嗎
別怪她 別怪她 別再敷衍對話

他怎計算也無對手 畢竟你我確曾邂逅
如果 沒有記憶也不必顫抖
怎相信最後你竟 隨他愉快遠走
如放任 仍放任 難過更傷透

別怪她 別怪她 別再傷心對吧
從遇見的一剎 是捉緊了嗎
別怪她 別怪她 別再敷衍對話

Repeat *


"The Last Breakthrough" Theme Song MV

"Heart Breathes" - Raymond Lam

心呼吸 《天涯俠醫》 主題曲 - 林峯

作曲/編曲/監製: 鄧智偉
填詞: 鄭櫻綸

心相近 愛越近

眼望見若意外情急 情總不自禁
能竭盡氣力作護蔭 我真心



心相近 愛亦近

愛就要令告白情急 情終不自禁
而每段故事有烙印 有不甘

Repeat *

心相近 愛越近
心相襯 愛亦更

Personal Note: This is, without a doubt, Raymond's best theme song!

*Credits to HKLOVE.org

"Land of Wealth" Sub Song MV

"Endless Streams" - Moses Chan

川流不息 《匯通天下》 片尾曲 - 陳豪

作曲: 謝杰
填詞: 陳少琪


再消磨幾年 才相信深不覺淺

#沒說穿 沒了斷
沒雨水 沒有淚

為昨日生存 夢會做不完

Repeat *

再糾纏幾年 才知道星火有煙

Repeat #@

Personal Note: This was released in 2006; however, this is, without a doubt, Moses' best song. It is very fitting for his voice, and love how he sang it. :)

*Credits to HKLOVE.org

Monday, June 22, 2009

《烈火雄心3》 "Burning Flame III" Trailer 2


Chung Yau Sing: "我叫阿牛. 我唔會輕易放棄!"
(Wong He: "I'm Ah Cow. I will not give up easily!")
(Ah Cow = He's character is hardworking?)

Fong Lei On (Encore): "我心中呢團火三十年都燒唔完!"
(Bosco Wong: "The fire inside me will not burn out for thirty years!")

Cheuk Pak Yue: "男人係要有承擔, 但係我都有我嘅底線!"
(Kevin Cheng: "A man must take responsibility, but I have my limits!")

Personal Note: I will not be anticipating "Burning Flame III" because I know it will not match up to the previous two parts. There are rumours saying that Wong He's character will die in the second half of the series. I'm guessing that it will be the part in the second promo clip where Kevin Cheng says, "The three of us will not die here!" Kevin Cheng and Bosco will rescue Wong He out, but they will not be able to resuscitate him.

"Burning Flame" was from eleven years ago! What a wonderful classic!

*Credits to geliguolu @ 宗生選澤 and 凡人麥

Selena Li @ TVB Blog - Kenneth Ma Is Very Heavy


The guys were playing rock-paper-scissors to see who was going to buy treats. In the end, Kevin Cheng lost.

Selena Li's TVB Blog

Kenneth Ma is very heavy!!!

In the new series "Iron Horse Seeking Bridge", there is a scene where I have to drive Kenneth Ma home because he was ill. Actually, it is already very difficult to ride a bike on set, and to drive a 150 lb, person, I can't even control the bike handle!! After a few attempts, I was very lucky and was able to complete it. However, it was very shaky!! I approximately crashed four times!! But our filming crew was very incredible because they were riding and filming right behind us. Plus, the weather was super, super hot!!

Personal Note: Just when I was complaining about Selena not having any pictures on her filming! Ha ha.... They are super cute together!

*Credits to tvb.com